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Core Series #3!

core3Welcome to core series #3! If you missed the first two click here and here. I’ve put together 5 core moves, that when done together, will have you feeling stronger and ready for summer!! You’ll need a medicine ball (inflated better than mine… I couldn’t find my pump!), a yoga mat, and a smile…. come on, it’s not THAT bad!!

Move 1:


{Balance yourself on the medicine ball in plank position and hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Your ultimate goal should be a minute}

Move 2:


{Begin in plank position on the medicine ball}


{Then do 30 mountain climbers. Try to get your knees as close to the ball as possible without losing form.}

Move 3:


{Start in side plank on either side. Make sure you smile! It tricks your brain into thinking you are having fun!}


{In a smooth and controlled movement take the top leg and kick it out in front of you. Take your arm that is in the  air down to meet your foot. It should look as if you are forming a triangle with your arm, leg, and torso. Do 30 on your right and left sides.}

Move 4:


{Start in side plank again}


{Then, lower your hips so they come about 1-2 inches off the ground and then return to starting plank position. Do 30 sets on your right and left side.}

Move #5:


{Start on your back, engage your core, lift legs, arms, and neck off the floor}


{Alternate raising each leg up and down. I have exaggerated the motion for purposes of this picture, but try to make your “flutter kicks” smaller. Do for 30 seconds.}

Hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading!

<3, Shannon