
Weekend Recap

This weekend was such an interesting juxtaposition for me. I felt like, “seasonally speaking,” I covered all of my bases: I celebrated a friend’s birthday Friday night, crafted mimosas and a gingerbread house Saturday morning with two of my best girl friends, spent Saturday night at a Christmas dinner with family, taught about Jesus’ birth Sunday morning in Sunday school, and baked and decorated gingerbread men with my mom and Shannon on Sunday. Upon some reflection, I understand pretty fully why, at the end of Sunday evening, I’m about to conk out before Barbara Walters’ much anticipated “Most Interesting People of 2014” at 9:00 pm PST.

Everything about this weekend has been nothing short of wonderful. However, for the first time, I have a genuine understanding of what people refer to when they say that this time of year is hectic, chaotic, and exhausting. I don’t know if it’s a product of being in the full-time workforce for the first time or what, but I’m feeling the Winter rush! But if there was ever a time when the expression “Time flies when you’re having fun” applies, it’s definitely now!


IMG_4643{Who would leave the house with that face just begging you to stay?!}

photo-52{Saturday morning spent with mimosas, gingerbread house, and homemade greeting cards}

IMG_4710{Saturday night Christmas dinner out on the town}


IMG_4743{Sunday morning breakfast in bed and Sunday stroll. Check out the slippers here}


IMG_4847{Festivies abounded Sunday afternoon with holiday cocktails and made-from-scratch gingerbread men…This one didn’t want to go onto the baking sheet!}


IMG_4863{Even though they happen earlier these days, we’re unbelievably blessed with these dusk skies on an almost nightly basis}

Still Christmas shopping? Check out our gift guides for Him, The Girly Girl, Your Mom, and those equally important Stocking Stuffers!

Happy Monday! Remember-only one more full work week until Christmas!