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Boston Recap

Boston recap, itsy bitsy indulgences

This Boston trip was one of my favorites. As I wrote in yesterday’s post, neither of us had ever been, so it was a true adventure. As we began planning the trip, most of my anxiety centered around the flight with Harper. The last few times we had flown with her, she was so young, not making too much noise, and slept pretty much the entire flight. This time around she had a set of lungs on her like none other, and I was worried the screams would occur too frequently (we had agreed that we would buy those sitting around us a round of drinks if necessary… our condolences if you will). To my surprise, she slept a better portion of the flight there…. but the flight home was a different story… and a different post on traveling with a little one…. to come soon, I promise. All of that aside though, we thoroughly enjoyed the city of Boston. As we sat reflecting on the trip, we talked about how many different and fun areas there were, how we always felt safe, and about how friendly people were in general. We received so many different recommendations from people, but because we were only there for an extended weekend, couldn’t visit every spot (more reason to go back soon). Yet, I couldn’t have been happier with the places we stayed, and the places we visited! We started our weekend by staying at The Nine-0.

dig inn, itsy bitsy indulgences

digg inn boston, itsy bitsy indulgences


fenway park, itsy bitsy indulgencesAfter getting in fairly late on Friday evening (9:30 was when we arrived to the hotel), we put Harper down (which wasn’t as smooth as we had hoped, but she eventually settled in), ordered room service + a glass of wine, and then headed to bed. We were pretty exhausted and wanted to get a good start to our Saturday morning. When we woke up, we decided that we would walk to breakfast through some of the gorgeous gardens that everyone had suggested. They were absolutely gorgeous. So serene and peaceful. We opted to have breakfast at Digg Inn. The spot was delicious, nutritious, and somewhere I would visit again. After lunch, we walked over to Fenway Park… something that was on TJ’s list of “must sees.” It was a nice walk, and a great way to see another part of the city. After we walked around the park we headed back to the hotel to freshen up for the rest of the day….

lobster rolls, itsy bitsy indulgences

lobster rolls, itsy bitsy indulgences

lobster rolls, itsy bitsy indulgences

lobster rolls, itsy bitsy indulgences

lobster rolls, itsy bitsy indulgences

lobster rolls, itsy bitsy indulgenes

lobster rolls, itsy bitsy indulgences We decided that lobster rolls and crab cakes were on the menu for lunch (I mean, we’d already hit our 10,000 steps for the day, so this was the logical option). We dined at James Hook + Co and it was delish. My favorite part of the entire meal was the crab cake. So. Good.

boston recap, itsy bitsy indulgences

boston recap, itsy bitsy indulgences

boston recap, itsy bitsy indulgences Post lunch, it started to rain, unexpectedly, so we took cover in some random building. After it passed, we headed over to The Envoy Hotel where we checked out their rooftop terrace (it wasn’t open for drinks yet… sad face…). I highly recommend this spot for excellent views and good cocktails (so I’ve heard). (My tank | Hat | Jeans}

north end boston, itsy bitsy indulgences

north end boston, itsy bitsy indulgences

north end boston, itsy bitsy indulgences

north end, boston

boston, itsy bitsy indulgences

boston, itsy bitsy indulgences

boston, itsy bitsy indulgences We were craving pizza for dinner, so we walked over to The North End (also referred to as Little Italy, I believe). We were initially going to dine at Regina’s Pizza, as we had heard great things about it. Yet, when we arrived, the line was too long for us to wait with little miss so we decided to just walk and find a different spot (reluctantly). We stumbled upon Scopa and it was amazing. I had the potato pizza + pinot… which was pretty much as delicious as it sounds. It was a small little spot, great for people watching, and a friendly staff. I highly recommend. Afterwards we enjoyed the evening walk back to the hotel, put little miss to bed, and enjoyed some champagne in the dark (…. we had to have the lights out for her)…. different but still fun.

taste boston, itsy bitsy indulgences

taste boston, itsy bitsy indulgences

beacon hill, itsy bitsy indulgences

beacon hill, itsy bitsy indulgences Sunday morning we woke up and headed to the Beacon Hill area for breakfast. This was one of my favorite areas of the trip, and I wish we had been able to spend more time there. We walked into The Paramount, and the menu looked amazing. It was just too crowded with all of the crap we had! So, we walked a little further and settled on Tatte. I loved the feel of the place…. bright and airy. We ordered a pastry to split…. as well as our own meals, and enjoyed sitting on their outside patio.

boston commons, itsy bitsy indulgences

boston commans, itsy bitsy indulgences

boston commons, itsy bitsy indulgences

boston commons, itsy bitsy indulgences After, we headed into the Boston Public Gardens so we could feed the ducks with Harper and she could see the little duckling statues. It was too cute and she was so curious. If we’d had more time, a picnic would have been fun.

boston public marketWe also made a quick stop at the Boston Public Market for some Kombucha on tap…. and TJ picked up some local beers. They were also making apple cider donuts… I didn’t get any, but kinda wish I had!

cambridge, itsy bitsy indulgences

cambridge, itsy bitsy indulgences

harvard square, itsy bitsy indulgences We then packed up and headed to a the Royal Sonesta in Cambridge for the remainder of the trip. The hotel had a stunning view of the Boston skyline, and a great location on the Charles River. I also loved the size of the room, as it could accommodate all of Harper’s belongings, and leave plenty of extra room. Once we got settled, we headed to Harvard Square where we showed Harper her future college (just kidding….), had a little bit of Mexican food at Felipe’s, and walked around…. we were back at the hotel in time for Harper’s afternoon nap, where we took naps too. (My Jacket | Tank | Shoes}

charles river, itsy bitsy indulgences

boston sunset, itsy bitsy indulgencesWe went back and forth between heading to Art Bar or Alden + Harlow for dinner. We opted for Art Bar since it was in the hotel (if we’d had one more night we would have visited the other), had a great view (probably slightly better than the food….), and we were pretty tired at that point. We sat outside and enjoyed the views of the skyline. After, we headed up with a beverage and watched the sunset from our room.


I wish we had one extra day as there were a few spots that I would have loved to visit (food wise)… yet, overall it was a great family trip. There were some challenging moments with Harper sleeping wise, yet they were experiences that helped us learn for the future (and I’ll be sure to share in a later post). For those of you who live in Boston….. you sure have a fun, and beautiful, city!! Have a great weekend everyone!!