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Summer Edition: Dresses + My Summer Bucket List

summer free people dress, itsy bitsy indulgences

While summer is a time for sun dresses, wide brimmed hats, cute sandals, and big sunny shades (I think I covered all outfit details in that one sentence…), it’s also about playing outside, getting together with friends, and making plans. I’ve always loved the busy months of summer. They’re a good kind of busy. The busy that leaves you feeling happy and fulfilled at the end. Longer evenings spent laughing and conversing with friends… more time spent outdoors and less time browsing social media… spontaneous trips in the evening to grab little ice cream (or in my case pressed juicery #addicted)…. you get the picture. Each summer I typically put together a list of all the activities I want to partake in… sometimes I get through them all, other times I don’t… but it’s still fun to have the list. This year, with little miss’ arrival, the list isn’t as adventurous… but it’s still one I am wildly enthusiastic about. What are some of your summer bucket list activities??

Summer Bucket List:

1. Have a sunset picnic at the beach complete with all the fixings: champagne, appetizers (I’ve been known to single handedly dust a thing of hummus in one sitting)…. my little family.

2. Get away for one night with my sister or girlfriends… I realize this is slightly lofty, but hey… it’s called a bucket list for a reason right? My sister and I usually have a yearly sister trip, so I’m hoping to keep with tradition despite having little miss.

3. Host another rosé tasting party. If summer isn’t a perfect time, then when is?

4. Visit a few LA spots that have been on my list for years or even a few short weeks: Sweetfin, The Ranch at The Pier, Alfred Tea Room.

5. Day-cation at a local beachside hotel… you know, hang out at one of the gorgeous beach hotels in Orange County… sip a cocktail, have some lunch, maybe get a massage. Sounds quite delightful if you ask me!

6. Enroll in a music class with Harper

7. As an alternative workout, go kayaking… can you say #killerarms?

8. Rent a duffy boat in Newport Harbor with some friends for a relaxing afternoon sipping, laughing, and munching.

9. A lot of my girlfriends are having little ones this summer, so my goal would be to visit each of them at least once… go for a walk at the beach together, bring one of them a meal, etc.

10. Have some fun themed dinner date nights on our patio with TJ. One night a Mexican theme, another Greek… Italian… have some corresponding beverages and tunes under the twinkly lights and who needs a fancy restaurant, right?

11. Something I always want to do, but never let myself do (because usually it is waaaay too pretty outside) is stay in bed all day, with the air conditioning blasting, and have a movie marathon… maybe I’ll get around to that one this summer on a HOT day!


{Outfit Details || Dress: Free People (2 other color options) | Sandals: Topshop | Hat: BCBG (such a great price!) | Purse: Chloe, similar here | Sunglasses: Le Specs | Necklace: Gorjana}

free people summer dress, itsy bitsy indulgences

summer free people dress, itsy bitsy indulgences

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