
Wellness Wednesday: Morning Motivation + Routine

IMG_6355{Top, Jeans}

Let’s face it, when the alarm goes off, it’s hard to find the motivation to get up and get moving… especially when the alarm goes off just after I’ve fallen back to sleep. Pre-bébé days hitting snooze for a few more minutes wasn’t a big deal… now, it’s really not an option. I’ve found that the best way to start my morning is by getting up at that first annoying buzz on my phone. It’s not always easy. Period.

I’ve always operated on a schedule and find that when I don’t have one I feel off (except on vacation…. that’s when I move into the “no agenda” mode.). So after Harper was born, scheduling was a natural progression that fit into our family lifestyle. I received a few questions asking how I am able to fit in my workouts and get out of the house for the day, so I thought I would share here, starting with my morning schedule and how I find the motivation to get through it all (without crawling back under the covers!).

5:40am: My alarm goes off and I get up. I have my workout clothes all laid out from the night before. I find that eliminating any decision making in those wee hours makes it easier to get moving. The only decision I have to make is which BBG workout I want to do (and I base that on how my body is feeling for the day). I drink a big glass of water, which I find always wakes me up and gets the juices flowing.

morning motivation, itsy bitsy indulgences {Pants, Top}

5:55am: My goal is to start my workout by this time. The work-out will be between 30-45 minutes (including stretching and cool down).

6:30/6:40: Breakfast time. I start my day with a healthy breakfast, because I feel like it sets the tone for the remainder of the day. A couple of years ago I shared some of my favorite breakfast meals, in case you are looking for a little healthy variety in your morning meal. My current go-to’s are steel cut oats, eggs with a sweet potato, or almond butter toast with a banana. They are quick options, and while they are cooking I get on my computer and return some e-mails and do a little on-line perusing. Also, in order to eliminate the guess work for breakfast, I make sure to stock up on these items at the beginning of the week so that I don’t run out and opt for something not so healthy.

7:10am: I squeeze in a very quick shower before little miss wakes up…. and if time permits, I toss on some make-up (my hair and make-up routine here… it needs to be updated, but it’s pretty similar to what I do now).

7:30am: Harper wakes up. We make a big production of wake-up time. TJ and I greet her and open the blinds to get a few smiles out of her. I then nurse her, read a book, and do some floor time with her.

8:30am/8:45am: Harper goes down for her morning nap and I complete my morning routine. I do my hair and put on presentable clothing. It always makes me feel better when I put on some jeans and a top. I’ve really narrowed down a few basic essentials that help me to get ready in a flash, and help me feel out together and confident. While I don’t wear these items daily, I’d say they make the rotation 80% of the time. I live in these three pairs of distressed jeans, which include a light wash, white wash, and a dark wash. I love good basic tees and this white one, striped one (short sleeved, comes in 5 colors), striped one (long sleeve), camisole (which comes in multiple colors), and tank are perfect for layering, or by themselves. I have two pairs of go-to sandals for the warmer days which include this gold pair of lace-ups (which I’ve had since last year) and these white slides. I’m also a lover of sneakers, so these grey nikes and new balances are perfect. To toss over any top on cooler days, I love this denim top, grey sweater, and cardigan. Of course I have those pieces that aren’t so basic, but having this base allows me to easily toss those items in when I want to without the “what am I going to wear” hassle.

9:30am-10:30am: “Me time.” This is when I traditionally work on blog posts, return more e-mails, and get Harper’s things together for our afternoon outings.

morning routine, itsy bitsy indulgences

10:30am-11:15am: Wake Harper up from nap (if she isn’t already awake), nurse, change her into clothing, and then we head out for the day.

Motivating Factor:

The biggest motivating factor for me is this thought, “If I don’t take care of myself, I can’t take care of Harper.” I had a friend who wasn’t able to breastfeed any longer whose pediatrician told her “A happy mom makes for a happy baby.” I look at this schedule as a way to optimize my ability to take care of myself, and in turn, be the best mom I can be for Harper. I am also motivated by the fact that the workouts and getting myself put together assist me in maintaining my sense of self. So, at the end of the day (or in those wee early morning hours) I remind myself of my ultimate goal as a parent, which is to have a happy baby, and I get moving!