When I worked with families in a therapeutic capacity, it always started with the kiddo. The child was demonstrating some kind of problematic behavior in the family system, and my “job” (according to the parents) was to “fix them.” After spending time with the child, and sitting within the family system, I’d say that 80% of the time the behaviors were usually a reaction to a larger family issue: a marriage in distress. So while the treatment plan might have initially been “child” focus, it quickly became apparent that help in the marital subsystem was critical….
All that to say, as parents it’s so important to continually “date” one another. TJ and I always find ourselves a little more testy with one another when we haven’t spent quality one on one time with each other in a while. It’s typically our first indicator that it’s been a little too long since our last date. Yet, sometimes it’s not always as easy to step out for a long evening away, so the other day we opted for a quick lunch together. I had someone to watch Harper, and TJ was able to sneak away for a longer lunch from work… it was a quick hour, but enough to feel reconnected. And reconnecting doesn’t always have to be elaborate… I shared at home date night suggestions here…. and sometimes a morning breakfast date works too. TJ and I always say that when we get to date each other, we get to fill each other’s buckets….
When we do get out for our more casual dates, TJ keeps things casual… and whenever he’s looking for some new items Nordstrom is his go to stop, since their men’s selection is always on trend and carries some of his favorite brands. He recently snagged these causal perforated slip ons at the beginning of summer and they’ve been such a comfortable, casual pair to toss on whenever, wherever (Greats has quickly become one of his favorite shoe brands for quality + comfort). A few other favorite go-to casual brands include Good Man Brand (the shorts he’s wearing fit so nicely… and this is one of his favorite basic tees + henleys)…. as well as casual button-ups (he own this white arrow, navy chambray top, and this slim fit sports shirt)…..
Whatever he chooses to wear, I just appreciate the time we get together!
(Outfit Details || TJ’s Shorts (3 color options) | TJ’s Top | TJ’s Shoes | TJ’s Sunglasses | Black Chain Necklace | My Pants | My Bodysuit | Slides | Bag | Sunglasses)
Thank you to Nordstrom for sponsoring this post.