
Wellness Wednesday || Why I Take A Daily Probiotic

I’ll never forget when most of my gut issues began. It was about a year before we started trying to have a baby, and my stomach issues were all over the place… and I could tell they were having an impact on so many aspects of my life.

After some research, I started acupuncture and among dietary changes, she also highly recommended taking a daily probiotic. I looked into them, but decided to make one change at a time, and put the idea of starting a daily probiotic routine on the shelf. My stomach issues began to improve enough, and I figured that was sufficient. 

Then, last year around this time, I felt the issues begin to come back… and did an entire blood work panel with a holistic program and was, yet again, strongly urged to use a daily probiotic (in conjunction with some dietary changes). And again, I made the dietary changes, but became a little overwhelmed when researching probiotics and opted to wait. 

Fast forward to about six weeks ago when I was provided with the opportunity to try Seed’s DS-01™ Daily Synbiotic. A sign. Seed’s Daily Synbiotic is a 24 strain broad spectrum probiotic and prebiotic formulated for digestive, gut immunity, and additional systemic benefits. It’s a monthly subscription, that is sustainably delivered, with a shipping box that is constructed from ecological paper and the monthly refill comes in a home-compostable, bio-based pouches that keep oxygen and moisture out, while being planet safe. 

So, what are the benefits of taking a daily probiotic? Well, it…

– Supports digestive health (to maintain regularity, ease bloating, and can alleviate occasional constipation)
– Promotes healthy skin 
– Promotes heart health and helps to maintain blood cholesterol levels already in a healthy range. 
– Supports the production of folate (vitamin B9)
– Helps maintain a healthy gut barrier 

My Personal Experience…..

Upon first opening the package, I appreciated the step by step directions they provided on how to get started with the probiotic daily routine. It encourages you to start with 1 capsule for the first three days, then increase to two a day to help your body acclimate to the probiotic. It’s not unusual to feel some uncomfortable side effects as you begin a probiotic routine (such as light cramping and constipation) but with the gradual introduction, I didn’t experience any of these side effects. 

I choose to take my probiotics in the morning, along with my collagen tea and multivitamin… it’s a really easy way for me to remember to take them (but you can take these on an empty stomach, which is nice in case I forget and remember midway through the day). After six weeks of consistently taking the probiotic, I can report that my skin is brighter with a nice soft glow, and it has my digestive system feeling great! 

So I guess for me, the third time was a charm, and I’ve found a daily probiotic that I can stick to consistently, and that works. 

The Seed team was kind enough to extend a discount code to those who want to give it a try as well. You can use code SHANNON15, for 15% off your first month

Thank you to Seed for sponsoring this post