
Wellness Wednesday || 6 Ways To Manage Stress During The Holidays

I know, I know… this is a Christmas photo. I’m typically a “wait for Thanksgiving to be over” until I post anything Christmas related… but this photo just seemed so fitting for today’s post: Managing stress during the holiday seasons. Doesn’t sound like a fun topic, but it’s a reality for tons of people. Between all the merry making and festivities… it can still be easy to let stress creep in…. from family get togethers + financial concerns to over-booking + feeling like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. The holidays should be a time that we can enjoy, with minimal stress (I’m not talking about the stress of cooking a turkey either….). So today I’m sharing the way I keep stress at bay this time of the year….

1. Find What Works For Your Family: I talk to so many people who say that the holidays are stressful because they have families they have to divide their time between, and it just never feels relaxed. I think that one of the best ways to still be able to honor your nuclear family, and their needs, is to establish traditions early on, and let family members know. Something that was very important for TJ and me, right after we got married, and still with little Harper, is that holiday mornings are reserved just for our family. We have a special breakfast, go for a nice long family walk, and just enjoy the company of one another before we head off to family celebrations. While I know a lot of family dynamics are different and pose different challenges, establishing something that is sacred to your family allows you to take the stress out of needing to explain “why…” (not that we should ever have to, but, you know….).

2. It’s Ok To Say No: And now, repeat again and again. Similar to above, the holidays are filled with invitation after invitation, and sometimes the feeling of needing to say “yes” to everything can create more stress than actually politely declining. Saying “no” to a festivity doesn’t mean you’re a bad friend, etc… it just means that you value your sanity and, if you’re listening to your body, know what’s best for you. Some individuals are introverts and saying “yes” to every invitation is just another invitation for stress… others are extroverts and saying “yes” is right up their ally. Regardless of which way you lean, I think evaluating what’s best for you + your family will ultimately yield the happiest season…..

3. Self-Care: I feel as if this is super cliché, but it’s so true. The key to combating stress is taking care of yourself. Go for a walk, take a bath + read a book (hey, maybe decorate your bathroom to make it a little festive), turn your phones off at night and watch a seasonal movie (just unplug somehow), put some calming music on (preferably festive….) and enjoy dinner (if you have kiddos, maybe after they go down…..), etc…. you don’t have to spend money (or wear a mask, paint your nails, etc….) to practice self care. Whatever your body is needing, if you can address that, you’re taking care of yourself!

4. Don’t Compare: Plain and simple, it can be so easy to compare even the smallest things during the holidays… just don’t. The perfect antidote to comparison is gratitude… for what we have, what we are able to do, and for the way we are able to celebrate.

5. Let Go Of Perfection: An easy way to release on stress is to simply realize that things just aren’t perfect… and they won’t always be… and that’s okay. Sometimes those moments of imperfection are what make the best memories. I can still remember the year our Christmas tree simply wouldn’t stay up… it managed all day, but it never failed that at night it would come crashing down. In the moment it wasn’t fun for my parents… but it’s something we all still laugh about today. Or the Christmas my dad, who in his defense is a wonderful cook, completely charred the prime rib (as in, bone broke off)…. again, another memory we joke about each season. Imperfections are what make every moment unique… embrace them and know they’ll be there.

6. Give Back: Always works for me. The more I give, the less I stress. Again, it’s a reminder to me of the blessings I have. And during the holiday season, ways to do so are everywhere… holiday baskets, preparing meals for those less fortunate, etc….

So here’s to a low stress, enjoyable holiday season friends!