
Wellness Wednesday: Torch The Core Workout Video

I’ve always loved ending my workouts with at least 5 minutes of core exercises…. this started several years ago, when I realized that regular old crunches weren’t really doing much for my midsection. So, I decided to incorporate a few core moves, at the end of my cardio, and see if the results were noticeable. They were. Very much so. Given that, I never stopped (I mean, why would I, right?)….

I’ve done so much research on the benefits of a strong core…. when I was pregnant I read that a strong core (and continuing safe planks) resulted in an easier birth experience (if there is such a thing) and a quicker recovery postpartum. Postpartum I did even more research into the benefits, and everything I read said that, post doctor clearance, to start focusing on the area immediately. So I did, and continue to do so….

I can often fall victim to the same routine…. and I know that does nothing for challenging my muscles. Lately I’ve changed up the routine and added a few new moves (my plank is always there though) and thought that I would share them with you today. It’s about 4.5 minutes, and easy to do anywhere…. no equipment required. Add it to the end of any workout, or just move through the moves faster and repeat a few times to get your heart rate up (although, I can’t say I’ve actually tried that last option). Either way, your abs will be burning!

I’m also sharing a few new workout favorites I’m loving below……

{Outfit Details || Leggings (have had for years, incredibly well made) | Tank (same as leggings) | Crop Top

I still think these cut out leggings are pretty amazing, especially when paired with this blush jacket (toss on post-workout, or I imagine it would work just as well during a run)….. this hoodie, paired with these color blocked high waisted leggings would be the perfect combo for any workout….. this side split tank and sports bra combo are both excellent options for a sweat session… maybe a power yoga class.