
Wellness Wednesday || 16 Simple Snacks To Keep You Full + Fueled

I’m writing this post as I go on the last hour of my glucose test (mine was two hours total….)… haven’t eaten since dinner last night… sugar high has crashed from the 75mg of sugar in the orange flavored drink (I think last time I had an option… chose the pink… I recommend the pink…. hands down….), hangry as heck, and sort of in a daze….. So I guess I’m basically torturing myself by thinking of all the delicious snacks I might have this afternoon… and drooling while I look at the photos….

In all seriousness though, I hate being hungry….I think it’s the worst feeling in the world. Given that, I make sure to snack between breakfast + lunch, lunch + dinner. I make my snacks as easy as possible, nutritious as possible, and filling as possible to ensure I don’t have a crash or need to go into a feeding frenzy an hour before dinner. I get asked, a lot, about whether or not I snack during the day, so today I thought I’d share with you my go-to snacks…. some are easy grab n’ go options…. others might require a blender… and a couple are easy to meal prep for the week ahead (making them grab n’ go). Happy snackin’ friends!

Chocolate Banana Smoothie 

Beet Chips + Hummus
1 Gala Apple + Almond/Peanut Butter Spread (top with Purely Elizabeth Chocolate Granola for an extra kick….)
Hard Boiled Egg + Apple Slices
Carrots, Bell Peppers Dipped in Salsa + Guacamole
Simple Mills Crackers + Carrots Dipped in Hummus

100 Calorie Perfect Bar
1/2 Cup of Chia Seed Pudding (with Spirulina or without), Topped With Berries + Granola
1 Banana Topped With Almond/Peanut Butter + Sprinkled With Chocolate Granola
Naturally Clean Eats Bar 
GG Crackers With These Toppings (I originally did this post with rice cakes, but GG crackers have much more nutritional value…)
Sliced Pear With Purely Elizabeth Chocolate Granola
3 Turkey Slices + Carrot Sticks
Blueberry Vanilla Smoothie 

Trader Joe’s ABC + K Salad (sub out dressing for a Primal Kitchen Honey Mustard) + Top With Cashews or Almonds
No Bake Trail Mix Bites