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Wellness Wednesday: Self-Care With Glowing Skin

glowing skin products, itsy bitsy indulgences

Before becoming a mom, I could take as long as I wanted on my morning beauty routine. There really wasn’t a rush (except leaving for work on time), so I never gave much thought as to how long the actual process of doing my hair and applying my make-up took. Well, little miss’ arrival certainly changed all that. Suddenly, applying my make-up and doing my hair became a race against time. I remember when someone asked me why I even bother. That got me thinking….

To me, the act of doing my hair and make-up isn’t for vain purposes. It’s about investing in myself. When I would meet with client’s mothers, they would often talk about how tired and stressed they felt. I spent a lot of time talking with them about the importance of self-care (in fact, it was one of my favorite conversations to have)…. explaining that if they take a little time for themselves, they will ultimately feel better, and in turn be more present with their children (or, at least better able to handle stressors that come their way). We would brainstorm ways that they could take 30 minutes to themselves… an at home manicure, reading a few pages from a book, taking a catnap, listening to some favorite music… or watching that favorite reality show. They would look at me like I was crazy…. “Really? 30 minutes? You’re kidding.” I told them they had a choice, take care of themselves, or not be able to fully take care of their children. When they gave it a try, they ultimately reported that they felt “much better,” and felt like they were able to be more effective in their relationships.

For me, when I feel put together, I’m at my best. Of course, there are days when that just isn’t going to happen (say, when I’m sick), but before becoming a mom, I promised myself that I would commit to at least 30 minutes a day of doing something for myself. If I had to choose between hair or make-up that was fine… if I didn’t take a nap (something I’ve never been good at) because I wanted to read that magazine article, that was fine. As long as I did something.

Over the past few months, the demands have lessened (not that much, but it’s not a speed race anymore…). Yet, that doesn’t mean I have hours to spend pampering myself. So, I’ve worked to perfect a morning make-up routine that helps me feel presentable…. all within 7 minutes (yes, I timed myself), and thought I’d share it with you today.. so that you, too, can give yourself a little self-care.

I had the opportunity to try out Estee Lauder’s newest collection Genuine Glow from Blue Mercury (it’s pretty much a beauty lover’s paradise). And, let’s be honest, who doesn’t want that “I just spent a week in the topics” look? Well, I do, so I spent a few weeks incorporating it into my morning beauty routine and fell in love. I start with a fresh, clean face. I then swipe on a toner, apply Tula’s Illuminating Face Serum (which I absolutely love, use code shannon25 for 25% off and free shipping), and an instant eye de-puffer. Lastly, I use the priming moisture balm right before I apply my make-up, which enables my foundation to go on smoothly.

{Top | Jeans}

glowing skin routine, itsy bitsy indulgences

estee lauder genuine glow collection, itsy bitsy indulgences

I start with the foundation I have been using for the past several years. It is cream based and goes on so smooth. I then apply a little concealer under my eyes and on any blemishes. That’s followed up with a little bronzer under my cheek bones, on my forehead, and down the center of my nose.

glowing skin, itsy bitsy indulgences

I have started incorporating the blushing cream, and let me tell you, I’m hooked. I use the “peachy” shade, and love the instant color it adds to my cheeks. I simply place a quarter size onto my cheeks and then rub it back up my cheekbone with my fingers. After that I use this illuminating powder on the tops of my cheekbones and set with this finishing powder.

estee lauder genuine glow, itsy bitsy indulgences

estee lauder genuine glow, itsy bitsy indulgences

estee lauder genuine glow, itsy bitsy indulgences

bobbie brown shimmer block, itsy bitsy indulgences

laura mercies finishing powder, itsy bitsy indulgences

Next I move to my eyes. I fill in my brows with this pencil since they tend to be pretty sparse if I don’t. I line my lower lash (I only apply product to my lower lash since I have eyelash extensions… which helps to reduce time spent on makeup) with my favorite liner and coat the lashes in this mascara (been using it for years, and looking to try a new one). After, I use the eye- lightening cream under my brows and on the tops of my cheekbones. This is one of my favorite products, as it really illuminates the area and adds the perfect glow.

glowing skin routine, itsy bitsy indulgences

estee lauder genuine glow, itsy bitsy indulgences

estee lauder genuine glow, itsy bitsy indulgences

The last step is applying the oil lip tint… it compliments the blushing cream nicely, and adds a brightness to my face.

estee lauder genuine glow collection, itsy bitsy indulgences

After I finish my make-up, I typically opt for a breezy top (like this white one here) and one of my favorite pair of distressed skinnies (these have the perfect amount of stretch to them too!). When you’re on the go, and don’t have a ton of time to think about what to wear, it helps to know what items are your favorite go-tos!


quick beauty routine, itsy bitsy indulgences

All Estée Lauder products provided by Blue Mercury. All opinions are my own.