
Wellness Wednesday || Half Marathon

Before I became pregnant with Harper running was my go-to workout. I’d lace up mid week for several small runs and one longer one on the weekends with TJ…. I ran several half marathons, a couple with TJ, and loved that I could run anytime, anywhere for a good mind clearing. When I was pregnant with Harper, those long distance runs were something I missed. I’d get in a 3 to 4 mile run weekly, but those more challenging ones weren’t possible. So, I added “run another half marathon” to my post-pregnancy list of things I wanted to do (amongst other things such as enjoy a glass of champagne, a raw sushi roll, and touch my toes….). There were a few times that I almost registered for one, but something (or several things) would come up, and I’d say, next one…..

When this January hit (yes, I realize we are talking 2 years postpartum), I didn’t really set any “goals” so to speak…. just to keep on keeping on. Yet, one morning, I decided to just push myself a little further…. 6 miles instead of 5… and it was at that moment I decided to commit myself to training, and finishing, another half marathon. As the weeks went on, and my distances increased, I felt on fire….. it was such an accomplishment, every week, to come in and high five TJ after my longer Monday + Friday morning runs… I worked diligently, incorporating HIIT workouts and hill intervals to be fully prepared for the day…

So, when I woke up on Friday morning with a nasty head cold, to say I was upset would be an understatement. I immediately jumped to Sunday, wondering how on earth I’d be able to run 13 miles with a cold. I did everything to kick it…. a netti pot, on guard essential oil, tea bombs….. and on Saturday morning I felt slightly better… still a little uncertain as to how Sunday would go. Yet, when we headed down to San Diego the afternoon before, I decided that an early bedtime would help me feel much better. So, when 8pm rolled around and I decided to start unwinding, little miss decided it was time to not go to bed. It was a horrible night of sleep with her (she might have had gas…. or just wasn’t comfortable with the room….) and we were up every couple hours trying to get her back to sleep. When my alarm went off at 6:15am, I was exhausted, but could breathe (the congestion had gone away) and decided I would do my best….

The minute we got to the race, I knew I would be able to finish. The excitement and adrenaline that surrounds those events was palpable and was present throughout the entire course (and the view along Pacific Coast Highway didn’t hurt…). I remember hitting mile 10 (which was all downhill) and thinking “You got this….” and during the last mile, I couldn’t help but get a little emotional. For me, finishing meant so much more than getting a medal or simply saying “I finished.” It was a reminder to me of who I was before I became a mom, and that that person hasn’t gone anywhere….

That’s the thing about goals. They all start with one small step… and that’s all it has to be. For me, it was the spontaneous decision to run a little longer one Friday morning… which led me to one of my biggest post pregnancy accomplishments. I didn’t know which half I was going to run, or how it would all logistically play out (squeezing in those longer runs in the morning took a lot of coordinating with TJ… who happily pushed back his workouts so I could go after this goal), and that was ok. That’s how goals work sometimes, you don’t have to always have it all planned out in your head before you take the leap (whatever that leap might be for you…) you just have to trust in yourself, and make the commitment to yourself… because you’re worth it. So worth it.

I also hope someday to be an example to Harper of what it looks like to challenge yourself, commit to yourself, face challenges, and still come out ahead….. and maybe one day, she’ll be a future running partner too….

I received a few questions about training that I thought I would answer here… I’m not expert, but I hope it helps a little…. and, as always, I recommend having an amazing playlist, with whatever songs motivate you, to keep you going…. Including mine here…..

(some songs have explicit lyrics….)

Born This Way- Lady Gaga
Poker Face- Lady Gaga
Fighter- Christina Aguilera
Stronger- Britney Spears
All I Do Is Win- DJ Khaled
No Limit- G-Eazy
Woman- Kesha
Work B**ch- Britney Spears
California Love- 2Pac
This Is What You Came For- Calvin Harris
Can’t Stop The Feeling- Justin Timberlake
8 Mile- Eminem
Jumpman- Drake + Future
Pray For Me- The Weekend, Kendrick Lamar
No Love- Eminem (I repeated this song 6 times, and used it during the last mile, the beat is so good)
Run The World- Beyonce
Without You- David Guetta + Usher
Anything Could Happen- Ellie Goulding
Glamorous- Fergie
Pot Of Gold- The Game, ft Chris Brown
All Of The Lights- Kayne West
Right Above It- Lil Wayne + Drake

1. What did you eat before and after the run? 

Before, I ate a Purely Elizabeth oatmeal to go pack + a banana (to prevent cramping and to sustain my blood sugar throughout the run). We had a microwave in the hotel room, so I was able to make a quick, slow digesting carb breakfast. I don’t typically eat before I run in the morning (because I get up so early) yet I knew I would need something to sustain me throughout the run. I was sure to eat at least an hour before (to ensure good digestion… and any necessary bathroom stops pre-run….. trust me, this can become an issue… sorry if it’s TMI…). I’ve eaten this breakfast before every half marathon and it has provided me with the necessary energy throughout. After I ate avocado toast and eggs… I was craving protein and fats.

2. How did you work your way up to doing your longer runs? I’ve been trying to train for a 10 miler and it isn’t going well. It’s in two week, do you have any advice? 

If you’re new to running, I recommend following a step by step training program to get your increase your mileage. For me, personally, when I ran my first half marathon, I was starting at a base of 3 miles. So I slowly increased my mileage (in my longer runs) by 1 mile every other week, along with shorter mile runs throughout the week. That being said, this time around, I followed that same method, with one week spacing in increased mileage, but started at a higher mileage base (5 miles). For your 10 mile run, I think to listen to your body. If you need to walk, walk. It doesn’t matter how you get to the finish line, as long as you get there!

3. I just started training for my first 5k this weekend and Oh. My God. I’m sore. I am really focusing on getting back in shape and a 5k just seemed like the thing. Any tips, tricks, strengthen or recovery tips? I really hope to stay motivated to do this!

I’m so excited for you! As far as any tips, I have a few. Always stretch. I learned this the hard way after my first half (I didn’t stretch) and have been religious about stretching since then. Incorporating yoga was so helpful for me, and that’s exactly what I did on Monday after my run (I did a yoga hip opener sequence….). As far as strengthening goes, I recommend following a training program, which should lay out exactly what workouts to do to train for the run, and should incorporate cross training workouts (which, for me, are critical at strengthening and increasing endurance…). Have a great play list… one with great beats and motivating lyrics. Give yourself positive self talk. Running is just as much a mental exercise as it is a physical one. If you tell yourself you can do it, you’ll be able to push yourself. I remember coming up to a steep hill in the last mile and telling myself “You’ve climbed higher, you got this….” the entire way up, and it really really helps. Also, make sure you’re properly nourishing yourself. I for sure had an increased appetite as my runs became longer. I found that having healthy + clean snacks on hand helped to give my body the proper fuel, and nutrients, it needed.

4. How did your running shoes end up working out? 

These Pegasus shoes were great…. especially paired with these socks. They gave me the support I needed, and were very padded. I didn’t experience any ankle or foot sensitivity throughout my training or race.

(Outfit Details || Leggings (wearing a P) | Top | Shoes | Sports Bra | Socks)

I ran into my sorority sister, and running expert (and Lululemon Ambassador) Sheri at the end of the race….