
Wellness Wednesday || 15 Natural Cold Remedies During This Sick Season

Well, the nasty cold that’s been going around has successfully hit every member of our family over the past three weeks. It started with me, moved to Harper, and now it’s currently residing with TJ…. it’s a hard one, that lingers for slightly too long (but then again, any cold lasts just a little too long IMO). When I came down with it, I asked people to share with me their favorite natural remedies… and the response was so great that I thought I’d share the most frequently given responses with everyone…. since it seems as if people are always looking for quick and effective ways to feel better fast.

**As a note, I’m not here to advocate any particular line of treatment, or to say one method is better than another. I always recommend doing your own research, and consulting with a doctor. I am merely sharing responses that have been helpful for our family….. 

1. Hot Water, Manuka Honey, Apple Cider Vinegar, + Lemon Juice
2. Elderberry Syrup
3. Place Ginger, Garlic, + Cumin into water. Once it’s boiling and ready to drink, add Manuka Honey + Lemon Juice
4. Nutrition Stripped’s Turmeric Milk + Immunity Tonic Recipes
5. Take A Bath With Ginger Powder + Epsom Salt
6. Ginger Steeped in Hot Water
7. Zinc Everything… (according to research, Zinc has been found to shorten the duration of colds by 50%, and may reduce upper respiratory infection in children).
8.  Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate….. (I prefer Core Water, which has a perfect pH balance for your body)
9. Venti Medicine Ball From Starbucks (I tried this, and found it to be pretty sweet…. here is an at home recipe that cuts out a lot of the sugars)
10. Saline Spray Every Few Hours, Along With A Hot Shower
11. Oscillococcinum (this is a homeopathic form of relief for flu-like symptoms, picked this up for TJ)
12. Essential Oils: On Guard or Thieves
13. Diffuser While You Sleep With Peppermint Oil (helps to open up sinuses)
14. Chicken Soup….. (research has shown that it truly helps to clear up nasal congestion and thin out mucus so you can better rid your body of it…. it also has mild anti-inflammatory effects)
15. Yogi Tulsi Spiced Berry Immune Support (my sister swears by this as a preventative measure, and she’s a teacher… around sick kiddos all the time)