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Weekend Recap: Thanksgiving for Family

I have a job that, at times, is both inspiring and heart wrenching. I often come into contact with individuals that have a level of resiliency I can only imagine in my dreams. One particular session last week tugged on my heart-strings, tears welling in my eyes (they didn’t drop, I held them in) as I listened to one of my adolescent clients talk about feeling “replaceable” and “disposable” in her life (and no, this wasn’t just a fleeting instance of raging hormones and teenage drama… these feelings were congruent with the life circumstances). I could feel only a fraction of her pain, and that was about all I could tolerate. To spend years feeling the way that client did would have likely been unbearable for me. All this to say, I went into this weekend profoundly aware of the many blessings I have in my life and all the people who have made me feel valued and loved unconditionally throughout my life. Yes, I have truly amazing friendships, but that type of love, for me, has come from my family throughout the years. I continue to be blessed by their love, and in the more recent years, that same type of love from my husband. So, this weekend recap is more of a highlight of small moments throughout the weekend, spent with those who make me feel valued, and irreplaceable, everyday.

IMG_0012{Celebrating our Papa’s 85th birthday with family, wine, and amazing food!}

IMG_9988{Cheers-ing to Allison’s last month of graduate school with a warm fire + #sockswag}

IMG_0019{Sunday morning Hot Coco + Breakfast in bed… brought to me with love by the hubby! Followed up with watching church in bed!}

IMG_9827{She’ll probably kill me for posting this, but I just had to! Taking pictures for the blog and capturing this silly moment! The relationship of a sister is a truly special one, indescribable the amount of unconditional love I feel here!}

IMG_0217{These stunning earrings c/o Lisi Lerch  + my favorite bed-side picture. Stay tuned for more to come on these beauties this week!}

IMG_9790{A bar cart? Yes, a bar cart (such a steal from Target)! It’s filled with memories spent with those I love most… napkins from our trip to the Veuve Cliquot House in Champagne France, our 3 year anniversary splurge on the Rose Perrier Jouet, champagne corks from celebrations with the family, and a few favorites, bound to liven up any family celebration (in a good way of course)!}

A few little favorites:

Check out this highly inspirational video… talk about finding fun in an otherwise scary situation

Indulging in all the holiday sweet treats? Check out Women’s Health Weekend Challenge to keep those abs nice and tight!

Turning 30 in December and looking for a fabulous dress to ring it in! Click here, here, and here for the dresses that have made the cut… I desperately want your opinion!

I hope this Thanksgiving holiday (yes, we still haven’t had Thanksgiving yet, despite what the mall may like to think) is spent with those that make you feel unconditionally loved and irreplaceable.

Also, today is the last day to enter the Wild Butterfly Boutique Giveaway! See below to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway