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Weekend Recap: Palm Springs Edition

Parker Palm Springs

Friendships have always held a central place in my life. I’ve always believed that friends are the only family you get to choose, so you should choose wisely. I have always felt that I was blessed that I found a best friend in my family… Allison. We haven’t always been close… if you consider the age difference this is natural. She was the younger sister who always wanted to hang out with my friends and me (annoying). I was the older sister who thought that I could boss her around (I thought I was “cool” when I would babysit her and call her by her full name when she did something I didn’t approve of). Somehow, despite all these annoying nuances, we grew closer and closer over the years. We started to confide in one another. I taught her things (some appropriate, others not so much) and she taught me things (like, how not to be so rule bound!). We realized that when all else failed, we would always have one another. There is a comfort in that knowledge. Do we still get on each other’s nerves?  Yes. Do we still disagree. Yes. But in the grand scheme of things, having a sister is one of the best gifts my parents gave to me! So, all sappiness aside, to celebrate our sisterhood, we took this past weekend to be together. There was stomach hurting laughter. Honest and deep conversations. Shallow conversations. Cocktails. Trail Mix + potato chips. KIND bars + bananas. Pool-time + relaxation. We stayed at The Parker and below, you’ll find a compilation of our  favorite moments from the trip!

Parker Palm Springs

The Parker Palm Springs

The Parker Palm Springs

The Parker Palm Springs {Cocktails + Friendship Bracelets}

The Parker Palm Springs

The Parker Palm Springs

The Parker Palm Springs

The Parker Palm Springs

The Parker Palm Springs {We spent all Saturday lounging by the pool and sipping muddled lemonades from the famous Lemonade Stand}

Parker Hotel


Parker Hotel Palm Springs

Lemonade stand parker hotel

muddled lemonades Parker Hotel Pool

The Parker


IMG_9354{Post-pool bocce ball action}

IMG_9232{Post shower champagne + robes}

IMG_9209{S’mores action, fireside}

IMG_9221{Lazy Sunday morning…}








image{Until next time….}