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Weekend Recap: Palm Springs (The Real Recap!)

Parker Palm Springs

Sorry if this came through to you last night… incomplete! It wasn’t supposed to, and not sure what happened. Oops!

This past weekend, Allison and I headed out to Palm Springs for our much anticipated sister trip! We talked about it several weeks before, planned out what we wanted to do, and settled on a plan. We’d leave early, hit the pool, relax all day, and then head out for a fun dinner in downtown Palm Springs. We were assuming the weather would be in typical Palm Springs fashion: dry and HOT. Well, weren’t we surprised when on our drive out there the clouds decided to open up and begin the downpour of the summer.

We looked at each other during the drive and literally both said, “This really sucks.” I contemplated turning around. I mean, what were we going to do in the rain?? We decided to forge ahead… certain that it would stop by the time we arrived. It didn’t. We checked in. The room wasn’t ready. Again, we looked at each other wondering what in the world we were going to do.

Since I am very experienced in rain unexpectedly  “raining on my parade” (fill pun intended) I suggested we ask the conceirge for an umbrella, trek out to the pool, and see what we could make of the day. And so began the first of many rounds of giggles for the trip. The umbrella was big enough it could fit us both (TJ too if he had been there) and barely fit through the winding, tree lined pathways leaving us wet and our feet slightly muddy. Oh-well… a little rain never hurt anyone we decided. We finally arrived at The Parker’s famous lemonade stand (photo from a sunny Sunday…):

The Parker Palm Springs

There we decided it was time to plop ourselves down under the awnings and enjoy a little sister time. And so the day went from there. We next moved to the pool (still raining mind you) and sat under and umbrella, on a lawn chair, fully clothed, and enjoyed giggles, conversation, people watching, and a small nap.

For me, it was a weekend I will never forget… not because anything particularly amazing happened, but it was spent with someone who inspires me, makes me laugh, and who I can be 100% myself with. It didn’t matter if it was 100 degrees and not a cloud in the sky, I would have had just as much fun as I did in the rain. The take away for me was that it’s who we choose to spend our time with, and the quality of that time, that matters more than exactly what we are doing. As I prepare to welcome a little girl into this world, this becomes more and more important to me. Surrounding myself with wonderful women who inspire me, encourage me, challenge me, and make me smile is something I hope to pass on to our little one!

I hope you all spent the weekend with someone who does just that for you!


lemonade stand parker palm springs, itsy bitsy indulgences {Frizzy hair but still all smiles}

IMG_1043{Allison enjoying her lemonade poolside}


The Parker Palm Springs, Itsy bitsy indulgences

IMG_1099{The Parker pool is such a fun little spot… rain or shine!}


IMG_1100{Fireside mock-tails and cocktails}

The Parker Palm Springs

The Parker Hotel, palm springs CA

The Parker Palm Springs {A beautiful Sunday morning spent strolling the ground before heading home!}

Tacos by the pool, some mock-tails, and a tasty dessert, call for a Monday getting back on track! Always love the fit-spiration from the Women’s Health Weekend Challenge.

If you’re looking for a something to jazz up those workouts, check out our favorite Nordstrom Sale finds to inspire just that. Loving the print on these leggings and these gym to lunch pants.

Some other favorites from the sale include this perfect white blouse, adorable denim skirt, my favorite pair of daily wear undergarments, a casual oversized striped shirt, simple black tank, and fringe heels (wear mine all the time!)