Before 2020 started something I think I needed to work on was flexibility. I’m a planner and like to know what to expect… who, what, when, where… you know, I like to have that all mapped out. Even with all the practice I’ve received as a mom (because there is always a curve ball in parenting) it was a definite “room for improvement” spot. So if I look at all of 2020 I can call it one big learning year… 365 days (well, not quite that many…) of rolling with life’s unexpected events (man, would I like to go back to myself on December 31st, 2019 and give myself a little bit of a warning… anyone else??)….
So it should have been a red flag for me on a warm summer day by the pool in July when I matter of factly stated that “we are not missing our annual weekend before Thanksgiving Park City trip this year. Everything will be okay by then.” HA! HA! HA!
Fast forward to Friday of this past weekend. We had been *very* closely monitoring the COVID cases in Utah over the past couple of weeks (because remember, I wasn’t going to miss this annual trip…). When it became quite clear that a road trip with my parents and two young children likely wouldn’t be the best choice we could make, I realized that yet again 2020 still had more to teach me in regards to flexibility. Trip canceled.
My lesson has been learned. I will no longer state my plans for anything so boldly without an asterisks stating that I am 100% flexible. And while we aren’t going to Park City this year, we were able to find a beautiful cabin up in Lake Tahoe… so we will be packing up and heading up north Tuesday morning with my parents and the girls for some snow, rest, and relaxation. We plan to cook all of our meals, go on some hikes, play in the snow with the girls, and just relax and enjoy the fresh air. Buuut, I say that’s what we’re going to do, but it’s all about flexibility, right?!
Here’s to a week of being flexible friends!

(Wore this outfit 3 days last week… casual + comfortable… sweats, tank, coatigan, Mama necklace (20% off with code Shannon20), Initial Necklace (10% off with code Shannon10)

(Sushi + vino to start the weekend… waited until the girls went down to eat and it gelt like a date night!)

(Set up our tree late Saturday and decided to make it a Thanksgiving tree… forgot how happy holiday decor makes me…)

(Saturday comfies… cardigan + slippers)

(Sunday morning snuggles with the entire fam….)

(Sunday brunch with this cute little waffle maker)

(How most of the weekend was spent… outdoors + riding bikes + scooters… vest, leggings, top, hat, Harper’s dress, tee)
If you’re looking for some adorable gifts I love this curated under $50 gift shop as well as this one for the home.
I haven’t packed yet, but know what I’ll be bringing along….
For sweaters, I’m taking this ribbed pullover, cashmere henley, and this ribbed half zip….
For bottoms, I’m packing these brown leggings (and in black), these ribbed joggers, sweatpants for traveling, and these harem pants for lounging…. and possibly these jeans (but I don’t foresee needing them since we don’t plan on doing much)…
As for cold weather accessories, I’m packing this pom beanie (I’ve had it for two years and love it) and this two toned beanie… these waffle knit mittens… .as well as this blanket scarf + this cashmere scarf…
My go-to black puffer vest, faux leather puffer jacket, and this white outerwear coat….
I found the sequins duster I shared last week fully stocked…