I was sitting here reflecting on these past two weeks, and thinking about the next month that will also involve social distancing, and while it’s involved a lot of transition and change, a part of me wonders how things will look after this all passes (which, it will!). Now, we go on more walks, spend exponentially more time enjoying the comforts of our own home, aren’t in as much of a hurry to get to the next place, and have to use a little more creativity to entertain ourselves (want to take a bath at 11am girls? Why not??).
And as TJ + I sat reflecting on this over the weekend, I noted how many more people I’ve seen outside on walks with their family, or simply playing in the front yard. I never knew there were so many families in our neighborhood… and I asked “what were they doing before that we never noticed them.” The answer was more of a rhetorical one, I could easily answer it on my own, but TJ responded, “Sports, birthday parties, errands, life….”
While I do look forward to the day where we can rush off to an afternoon lunch… or head to a coffee shop to work… I am simply trying to “be” right now. Be in the slowness of life, in the monotony of our new routine, and see what it’s trying to teach me….
In the end, all of life is one big lesson, so what can we learn from this moment? Have a great week friends!

(My uniform for the better part of the week last week… joggers, crop, sneakers)

(Friday evening happy hour zoom call with the family… highlight of the week!)

(A rare moment, just the two of us. Camille’s onesie)

(Added pickled onions to our weekend avocado toast. Major game changer.)

(Saturday morning walk with the fam… they typically look something similar to this… biker shorts, crop, sneakers)

(Saturday evening vino…. doormat)

(Our first al fresco dinner of the season…. table, chairs, lounge collection)

(Sunday mornings with my little lemons. joggers, half zip, pajamas)

(Getting our backyard ready for lots of outdoor time…. chaise lounge chairs, umbrella)
Still trying to train for a half marathon over here… even if it means I’ll be doing my own at home! I love these wrist and ankle weights though for resistance training…. this sports bra, long sleeve running top, and these biker shorts have been great for my runs!
I saw that my go-to oversized joggers are almost 50% off. They’re super comfortable, and also come in petite sizes.
I shared last week that Banana Republic was having a sale, but it’s now almost 60% off everything (discount at checkout)… including my favorite leopard dress, jersey jumpsuit, and this white silk dress… not sure when I’ll get the chance to wear either, but the day will come!
My go-to adidas ultraboost sneakers are currently 30% off….
We bought this sparkling water maker this week and it’s been a huge game changer… less waste and will ultimately save money at the rate we were drinking sparkling water. Highly recommend!
I’m starting to plan ahead for some Easter ideas for the girls…. I love these bunny baskets, bunny book + bunny stacking toy (more for Camille), matching lemon pajamas, and rainbow jellies for Harper…. that’s all I’ve come up with so far!