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Weekend Recap

pink hydragneas, itsy bitsy indulgences {Some pretty pink hydrangeas to celebrate a week of parenthood}

Well, I made it through my first full week of parenthood and am still alive to write about it. I’d say that’s a win for any first time parents! There have been some sleepless nights, moments of feeling like a failure, and also those sweet moments where I can’t believe she is ours. If anything here’s what I’ve learned from this week:

  1. I have some pretty amazing friends and family (although, I already knew that): From text messages checking in, to a mom that has prepared us several meals so far, and continual encouragement from my girlfriends I can’t help but feel blessed.

2. It’s okay, even necessary, to ask for help: I realized early on (as in, as soon as she exited the womb…) that there was no way this was going to be a one man show. I quickly realized that if I was to keep my sanity, I needed to ask for help…. from TJ, my parents, sister, and girlfriends.

3. With life’s great frustrations also comes life’s greatest joys: I have had some of my most frustrating moments in the past week… which were immediately followed by some of the most heartwarming ones.

4. Communication is essential: With frustrations and sleepless nights, the need for clear and consistent communication is essential and makes everything that much better.

So, I guess these are more or less good for life in general… but for me, they were lessons I really took home this week! Here is to another week of adventure and navigating this new role!

palm trees, itsy bitsy indulgences {Pretty palms on my morning walk}

mead's green door cafe, itsy bitsy indulgences {Made it out Sunday afternoon for a quick lunch at Mead’s Green Door Cafe for some sweet potato tacos}

sunday snuggles, itsy bitsy indulgences {Sunday afternoon snuggles- sweater, jeans}

Since I’m sidelined from working out for the next 5 weeks I’ll start with the work-out posts then…

Multiple late night feedings have made on-line shopping very accessible (insert wide eyed emoji here)…. a few recent favorites and purchases include these amazing black boots, these silver kicks, this little red bag, and this side zip tunic sweater (which comes in multiple colors).

And because there is a new little mini boo to shop for… I couldn’t reist some of these Valentine’s pieces: an adorable hearts beanie and a mini hearts peplum onesie.