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Weekend Recap

land of nod toys, itsy bitsy indulgences {Vintage toys for Harper + fresh flowers for momma}

This was a weekend of minimal make-up, crossing things off of the to-do list, and lazy evenings. Last week, I think it was Wednesday, mild panic set in as I realized I would be going out on maternity leave in two weeks. No, the maternity leave didn’t give me panic (I’m looking forward to that)… it was the sheer fact that maternity leave means Harper is that much closer to arriving, and that I still have so many things to do before she makes her appearance into this world. TJ and I created a “To-Do Before Harper Arrives” list and put together a plan to tackle it all. There are still many things to do, but somehow compiling a list always seems to make life a little more manageable. Oh, and asking for help when you need it… that’s a lesson I learned this weekend… and am so grateful to have a loving family who is ready and willing to help! So, as we go into the holiday weekend here’s to a week of making life more manageable, asking for a little help now and then, and savoring all the time we have with family! Have a good, short, week everyone!!

zinc cafe, itsy bitsy indulgences {Saturday morning breakfast at Zinc Cafe (sunglasses, bag)}

fall foliage, itsy bitsy indulgences {Pretty fall foliage}

ginger smoothie, itsy bitsy indulgences {A little behind the scenes of a tasty post-Thanksgiving detox post coming up this week!}

pitaya bowl, itsy bitsy indulgences {Pitaya goodness}

weekend recap, itsy bitsy indulgences {Sunday morning reads + a favorite breakfast of cashew butter with fruit}

So excited to share with you a post-turkey day fitness post, but until then, I’ll be incorporating this Women’s Health Weekend Challenge into my routine… will need strong arms to carry a baby all day!

The holiday week is supposed to be a cold one, and we have so many fun activities planned. TJ and I are heading out for a little dinner date night and I’m planning on wearing this simple black sweater dress paired with these over the knee boots. Thanksgiving day I’m planning on helping mom cook and relax in front of the fire place in this festive scarf, olive green sweater, and cozy pink top. The day after will require these cozy sneakers and leggings for a day of wandering around the mall (or depending on how I feel, watching a little Chicago sports…). Saturday, the day I’ve been waiting for the past 365 days… picking up our Christmas tree! It’s supposed to rain, so this blush beanie and this bronze-ish parka will be perfect for tree scouting!

Also, today is the last day to enter the Chicwish $100 gift certificate. You can enter here!