
Weekend Recap

paris souvenirs {Unpacking a few souvenirs from Paris}

Shannon: This weekend was a whirlwind. Early Saturday morning, we woke up in Paris, hopped on a flight, and 12 hours later, landed in LA, only to repeat our Saturday afternoon. There was a point where TJ and I looked at each other and had the exact question, at the same moment, “How many meals have I actually had today?” Needless to say, we conked out late Saturday night (after a welcome home bbq with the parents) and Sunday was a day spent running errands and attempting to get back into the swing of normalcy and routine. It’s always so hard to say good-bye to vacation, especially when it’s as wonderful as the past two weeks were. I’m already experiencing a great deal of nostalgia (which will likely only be enhanced come Monday morning) and wanderlust. I can’t WAIT to show you the photos from our adventure!

Allison: Jetted off the Stagecoach for the whole weekend and will return with her Weekend Recap next weekend… but it was stagecoach, so from her texts, it looks like it was pretty fabulous!

sunset on the seine river, Paris, itsy bitsy indulgences {Gorgeous Friday evening sunset on the Seine}

L'audree paris, itsy bitsy indulgences{The last glutinous breakfast of the trip at L’audree in Paris}

cherry blossoms in Paris, itsy bitsy indulgences {Enjoyed a short walk to this gorgeous park on our last morning in Paris… or maybe it was a small attempt to burn off said glutinous breakfast}

dessert sunset at stage coach, itsy bitsy indulgences {Cotton candy skies at the last night of Stagecoach}

MY TEA, itsy bitsy indulgences {Getting back on track with Your Tea’s Tiny Tea detox}

Having spent two weeks in Europe, not worrying about what I ate or drank, my body had a message for me upon my return… and it wasn’t nice. So, Sunday included starting my Your Tea detox and doing the Women’s Health Weekend Challenge.

And since I’m such a strong believer in detoxing in a natural way, I love this article, which outlines the 13 best foods to eat to detox your body. You can bet these will all be on my plate this week!

As summer warmer temps start to become a more permanent weather forecast, I am loving all things striped. You can add a fresh and clean addition to any outfit with these espadrille sandals, shorts, flowy dress, top, and rainbow colored top.