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Weekend Recap

ahi tacos {Ahi tacos + Rosé al fresco to kick off the weekend}

Shannon: Saturday morning started off with an inspirational spin session at Soul Cycle. The ride ended with this quote from the movie Rocky:

“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!”

This weekend was a perfect reminder of how I “move forward” despite the sometimes dark nature of life. For me, knowing that there is a higher being (Jesus) who ultimately has a plan for me, helps me to accept the challenges as simple blocks in the road to a greater plan. Sometimes the plan is salient and smooth, but other times it’s murky and rocky. As much as I would prefer the salient and smooth path, I’ve found that the murky and rocky road is often the most revealing and rewarding. It’s during these times that I find my reliance on my God to be much more powerful and needed. Other ways that I “move forward?” Friends, family and exercise. How do you move forward during those times when it seems like giving up is the best road to take?? I’d love to hear…

Allison: They say that friends are the family you choose. But if I could choose, I would still choose each member of my family. This weekend was spent almost entirely with family and it completely validated the relationships we have, and the fun, honesty, and depth in our relationships. Whether it was celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus in church and deep discussions at the dinner table, meeting new miniature Roberts members and reuniting with others, there was no shortage of closeness and fun. It’s weekends like these where I realize how profoundly grateful I am for where I come from and the various important people who have helped develop me into who I am today. And the best part of all was the center of the weekend gatherings: He is risen!

pressed juicery{A Soul Cycle class on Saturday morning, immediately followed by Pressed}


{Or, if you’re me (Allison) you started the weekend with a hefty indulgence…but oh SO good}

photo-46{Who said you have to have little ones to color Easter eggs?!}

watermelon radishes {Loving all things watermelon radishes}

IMG_1234{Easter tables-cape… enjoyed for a Saturday night BBQ and Sunday morning brunch}

Well this was a slightly indulgent weekend (there may, or may not have been a stop at Sidecar Doughnuts…} so Women’s Health Weekend Challenge was (and will continue to be) in full effect!

We made this Oatmeal Bake for Sunday brunch… it was a hit.. and oh-so delicious!

Weekend Wish-list is including these sandals, maxi dress, light blue spring coat, off the shoulder top, and white gaucho pants.

Be sure to enter the Sunglasses Shop Giveaway!

Have a great weekend everyone!!