
Weekend Recap

sunflowers, plaid top{Farmer’s Market Sunflowers + a new favorite Loren Hope bracelet}

Hi Sunday Night. You came WAY too fast. Am I the only one, or did the weekend following the slowest week ever go by simply too fast? This weekend Allison and I both found ourselves sans our significant others. Which meant one thing. Sister day. We found ourselves at the local organic farmer’s market, church Fall festival, pampering ourselves with manicures, and an evening out just the two of us! Over tequila cocktails we found ourselves chatting about relationships and how it’s so important to maintain your sense of self. We talked about how easy it can be, especially as a woman, to accommodate and find yourself wrapped up in what the “other” individual needs. We talked about the importance of maintaining your own voice, communicating what you mean, and meaning what you communicate. Then we had a sympathetic chuckle for our poor SO’s, who are all too familiar with our “voices,” (they can thank our mother for that!!). All this to say, those weekends alone often allow you to remember exactly who you are. I allowed myself to wake up at a “that’s way too early for a Saturday” hour, lace up my running shoes, and head out for a 7 mile run. I was completely indecisive of my Friday evening routine (which is very unlike me) and it affected no one. Yet, as I sit on the couch and write this post, with TJ next to me, I wouldn’t have it any other way :). Sometimes it’s just nice to have a little “you” time!

IMG_2542{Friday evening’s indecisiveness…. I couldn’t decide between reading magazines, a new book, or watching a rom com. Eventually the rom com and champagne won}

fresh berries

dragon fruit{LOVED picking up fresh produce for the week at the Orange Organic Farmers Market}


IMG_2557{Sister night libations: tequila + a little champagne… and comfy socks.}

anaheim packing house {Checked out a new coffee place (for some tea) at The Anaheim Packing District}