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Weekend Recap

The weekend started off on a slightly sad note. Not due to anything that personally happened to me but what I witnessed on my way home from work on Friday afternoon. I was stopped at a busy intersection, frustrated that I hadn’t made the green light and would have to wait another 3 minutes to get on the freeway. As I looked to my left I saw an older man, likely in his 80’s, with a walker, fully capable but walking very SLOWLY. My initial thought was that he wasn’t going to make it across in time and, well, the light turned green and there he was in the middle of the intersection. Horns started honking and he became slightly flustered as he tried to pick up his pace. Tears came to my eyes. So often we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season, and life in general, that we forget about the small things. Patience, gratitude, love, and service. So, I went into the weekend with a refreshed perspective to take delight in the little things and to find enjoyment in the small moments.

IMG_1068{Allison kicked off the weekend with a new set of wheels and so generously offering to drive everyone around… how selfless!}

IMG_0946{Enjoying my morning tea on a rainy Saturday morning… I actually allowed myself to move at a semi-liesurely pace…}

IMG_0949{I love the balance in this picture… detox to retox? Allison and I enjoyed a delicious vegetable juice from our favorite coffee spot The Lost Bean}

christmas decorations{Enjoying the seasonal Christmas decorations of my parent’s mantle with our old stockings and The Orange Circle}

date night{Enjoying date night at our favorite Mexican spot, Gabbi’s, with a La Paloma}

IMG_1077{A whole day of baking! Stay tuned this week for our ultimate sugar cookies!}


{Join us this Thursday for a holiday shopping event with our fellow Orange County bloggers! It will be a fun time to chat, sip champagne, and eat cupcakes! Hope to see you there!}

As always, balance, balance, balance… so check out the Women’s Health Magazine weekend challenge

In the spirit of surprises and love you MUST check out this amazing proposal at a Chicago Bulls Game

If you’re looking for a gift for a woman in your life (best friend, mother, wife, grandmother), while supporting a wonderful cause (bully prevention), check out Benevolent Jewels and use code ibi20 for 20% off your purchase!

Hope you have a great week! XO