
Weekend Recap || Wild Week

Last week was quite the week. T.J. was gone on a work trip for the first half + Camille just so happened to come down with a cold (and I think she was teething as well)…. which lent itself to a couple of eventful evenings. One evening in particular, I was up with Camille from 9:45pm to 2:30am. Needless to say, it was the worst night we’ve ever had with her. When I shared this on stories I had an honest question of how I handled this situation without loosing my crap…. and how I managed the next day with little miss on such little sleep….

I thought back to that last wake up, just as I was starting to fall asleep again, and the feelings I experience. I was so tired + frustrated. So I let that individual know that I had a moment to myself. I screamed into my pillow and then pulled myself together with a pep talk. I reminded myself that there were many people who would love (yearn) to be in the current situation I am, but unfortunately can’t (for various reasons…), and that I’ve been through this before, and it’s always temporary. I then said that I extended myself grace the following day and little miss watched much more television than I would typically allow.

Why share all of this? Because it’s the beginning of the week… and so much can happen, both good + bad, and that one night was a great reminder to myself of how to handle difficult situations:

1. Acknowledge the feeling + feel the feeling
2. Get some perspective on the situation
3. Form a plan + act

Here’s to hoping for a week that’s a little less eventful! Have a good one friends!

P.S. Monthly Q+A on the blog Friday… feel free to e-mail questions… 

(Little miss wanted Moana theme… so Moana theme was what we did…. hard to believe Halloween has already come + gone…)

(A little bubbly in bed to kick off the weekend… it was as relaxing as I imagined it would be… joggers, bodysuit, pendant)

(Saturday morning trail walk… XL tea necessary… leggings, pullover)

(We’re clearly obsessed with Flower Child… I think it’s time I branch out and try something new though….)

(An impromptu happy hour… just the two of us… top, cardigan, jeans)

(We headed out for some margaritas + tapas style food at Chaak….)

(Post church sweet treats with my little cuties…. coatigan, tee, shoes, Harper + Camille’s top, Harper + Camille’s bottoms, Bows, Shoes)

(Sunday evening masking… love this mask for an extra deep infusion of moisture… Shannon20 for 20% off)


After a somewhat wild previous week, I’m looking forward to getting back into my regular workout routine. I just purchased these leggings… can’t wait to try them out!

Lou & Grey has some super cute new arrivals… loving this cropped jersey tee, adorable teddy bag (so cute for errands), + this plush puffer jacket.

Loving the long teddy jacket trend (not that I’d be able to wear it until January…)… a few I have my eye on include this sherpa dad coat, Lou & Grey teddy coat, and this dusty blue coat.

Abercrombie is having 25% off with code 14989… a few personal favorites (that I own) include this leopard print v-neck cardigan, knot back top, faux fur puffer jacket, and this cable cardigan.

A few fun holiday items include this beautiful sequin topgold dress (looks like it would fit so cute), metallic peplum top, sequin belted top, and this sequin inset cami (love the amber color for Thanksgiving).

This ribbed pullover + pant combo is so cute for lounging or running errands…