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Weekend Recap

I am alway saddened when I hear people talk about the stress of the holidays because that’s the complete antithesis of what this time should be about. For me this time is about family, friends, thanksgiving for all that you have, reflection on the year to come, and celebrating the birth of Christ. I was asked last week what I like about this time, and I couldn’t definitively define exactly “what” it is. My answer was simply that there is a different feeling in the air, one of excitement, hope, and love. Yet, I am a realist. I know that this is a busy time… therefore I self proclaimed this past weekend “the calm before the storm.” It was a weekend spent preparing and gearing up for the next 6 weeks filled with celebrations and festivities! I honestly don’t think that there is one free weekend between scheduled getaways (yay for the much anticipated third annual “Three Best Friend’s” trip to Vegas this weekend!), holiday parties, studying for finals, and the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. So, in that light, we spent the past few days preparing to enjoy all the fun that is to come!


{Friday night was spent taking holiday pictures for our Christmas cards. These sparkly flats, heels, and necklace made the outfits festive and fun!}


{Party invitations for the big 3-0 arrived… and sent!}


{This was the winner! The big 3-0 will ring in wearing this sparkly frock! EEEK!}


{Taking a break from all the preparations to enjoy some delicious Greek Cuisine… live music, belly dancing, twinkly lights, and wine… pretty perfect if you ask me!}

sunday school

{Teaching Sunday school to first graders helps to put the season in perspective… and to remind me what we are really celebrating!}


{Sunday night relaxation, made perfect with a bowl full of popcorn!}

Pushing myself even harder during my workouts with all the little extra indulgences! Check out the Women’s Health Weekend Challenge to look amazing in those skinny jeans!

If this doesn’t warm your hearts and define what the holidays are about, I don’t know what will! Check out BatKid and how a whole city rallied behind him!

Hope you have a great week! I know I can’t wait for the weekend already!