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Treadmill Workout + a Mile a Day Commitment + Kendra Scott

IMG_9043Warning: This will be a longer than usual post. Promise: It’s worth it! Okay, with that out of the way we can start.

The first (out of three parts) of this posts is a treadmill workout that I do on a very consistent basis… one of my two high intensity interval workouts for the week. I read about it somewhere, tried it out, and it kicked my booty… so I decided that I would share it with you, in case you are looking for something to get your heart rate up, keep you on your toes, and give you a heck of a work out!

treadmill workout

Now for the second part of this post (the part I hope has the longest lasting impact). Throughout my life I have found inspiration in various ways. When I was growing up I was fortunate enough to be inspired by many adult figures in my life (mom, dad, grandparents, aunts and uncles) and as I grew older these same individuals continued to inspire me. My girlfriends constantly inspire me with their drive, determination, and strength and I consider myself blessed to call them my friends! Growing up, my mother inspired me with her morning runs (up at 5:30, out the door for a 5 mile run, back home and showered in time to take my sister and me to school). I grew up wanting to have that love of running… but the middle school mile proved to be a daunting task to me… either I would run too fast and cramp, or I just wanted to walk it with my friends and chat. Yet, as I moved into college, I was eventually able to discover my own way of running and often used it as a stress reliever and my primary form of exercise. I’ve written about it here before, but I truly love running.

Yet, I’ve found that I’ve confined my running to a more solitary activity. I am so often lost in my music, thoughts, and own rhythm that I rarely run with others (I can recall an amazing 10 mile run in San Francisco with my girlfriend last year, a couple runs with my sister while training for our half last year, and morning runs with the hubby in which I am still introspective on my own life). When we began the blog, the goal was to inspire others to live  balanced lives that create an internal sense of happiness. Running facilitates this for me and for the past few months I have been searching for a way to actively share, and participate, in this with you.

Here’s my proposal… I hope you’ll indulge :). The holidays are rapidly approaching (as are amazing indulgences… pumpkin pie, stuffing, cookies, fudge, a few cocktails…) and I know I want to indulge, stay fit, and look good in those holiday party outfits (and of course skinny jeans!)! I’m committing to 5 miles a week and I’d love for you to commit with me! It could be 1 mile for 5 days or it could be all in one day. It could be a walk, jog, or run… whatever it is, I want to do it with you and share our commitment with each other. I’ve found that sharing holds me accountable :). If we start together now and take it until January 1 there will be no need for a fitness News Year’s Resolution because this will have become a habit for you (apparently it takes 2 weeks to make something a habit… according to the research). There are several ways we can share our progress together. Post it on our Facebook page (click here) or hashtag #ibirun on instagram with your inspiring photo (we’ll be posting too, so follow along here or @itsybitsyindulgences)! We can send words of encouragement and inspire each other! So, what do you think? Will you commit with us?

The last part of this post is to remind you all of our upcoming event at Kendra Scott (Fashion Island, Newport Beach), next Thursday October 24! We’ll be hosting a Girl’s Night Out with Champagne & Cupcakes (our favorites!). We’d love it if you stopped by and said “Hi!” We love their jewelry and would love to share it with you! Check out the flyer below for more details.

ItsyBitsyIndulgencesInviteThanks for reading! We hope you’ll join us in our fitness commitment and hope to see/meet you at the Kendra Scott event!
