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Skinny Chocolate Chip Banana Bread


We all know the saying “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” So it only makes logical sense that when life gives you ripe bananas to make banana bread, right? In my world it does! One of my favorite aspects of fall is all the baking that comes with it (think pumpkin muffins, pies, cinnamon rolls… hungry yet?). So the other day, when I found myself with too many uber ripe bananas, I decided to make this skinny chocolate chip banana bread recipe (simple swaps such as apple sauce for oil, non-fat butter for the full fledge thing, and stevia for cane sugar make these waist line friendly!) . Don’t let the skinny fool you, these are absolutely delicious and bursting with chocolate goodness! So good in fact it’s hard to stop at just one slice!




