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Sequin Shorts

sequin shorts

Truth be told this was the fourth outfit I tried on for a casual lunch with friends last weekend. I originally had on a long red maxi dress… too hot and wasn’t feeling the color. Second was a long, body hugging, black maxi. Too tight, having one of “those” days. Third outfit? Something with ripped denim shorts… clearly not the chosen one. I don’t know how, or why, I settled on this outfit. I think it was a combination of the loose fit (perfect for a hot and humid day) and colors. Whatever it was, it made for the quintessential weekend wardrobe. This is typically what I run around in on the weekends. Simple shorts, loose fitting tops, sandals, and minimal jewelry. Then again, that’s when I feel like getting out of my workout clothes 🙂 Happy Friday friends!

sequin shorts

sequin shorts

sequin shorts

hot pink top




IMG_8841{Outfit Details | Shorts: c/o Heartloom, similar options here, here, here | Top: Forever 21, here, here, here | Shoes: J Crew, similar here | Purse: Prada, similar here | Sunglasses: Anthropologie | Bracelet: c/o Serene Sky (20% off with code ITBI20)}

Also! Don’t forget about our giveaway with Shop Serene Sky! It’s their gold pave pyramid bracelet featured here!….

Giveaway runs until Sunday (8.3.14 at 12am). Follow @itsybitsyindulgences & @shopserenesky on Instagram and enter below!

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