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San Diego Day of Fitness #1

Last week we were blessed to spend a “day of fitness” in San Diego with a college friend, lululemon ambassador, and inspiring spin/run instructor Sheri Matthews. We were so excited that she willingly compiled an amazing line-up of San Diego fitness based activities to participate in throughout the day (fitwithtrish, Spirit Yoga, Paddle Boarding, and a Spin at The Rush). The day was so amazing, and all the instructors were so giving and generous of their time and energy, that we will be featuring each in the next several weeks (so make sure you stay tuned). Even more rewarding was that all of these activities lent themselves to a day spent with friends, catching up, and girl bonding (which is so essential in life!), all while working on our fitness! So, if you’re ever in the San Diego area and looking for a day full of fun and fitness, make sure you check out any of the featured activities!


Think we were packed to capacity??


We start with the fabulous Sheri! She has been a certified spin instructor for six years in San Diego. She’s a local run enthusiast (she’s run 2 FULL marathons! Yes you read that right! AND she qualified for the Boston Marathon with her last marathon time!). She’s an individual run and life consultant with the life motto “When you love what you do, it’s not work, it’s amazing.”


1. What drove you to become certified in spin?

I was drug to a spin class by a friend, hated it, gave it the ol’ 3 try rule and was hooked. Realizing that some instructors were motivating, fun, and inspirational while other times I was looking at the clock. Sometimes I thought “is this something I should really be doing on a bike and can’t we train like athletes?”, but loved it so much that I though,  “why not teach it and make this amazing for others?!” I realized, depending on how hard I worked, I could sweat even more than running! Spinning improved my running so much that I wanted to share the impact of HIIT (high intensity interval training) with low impact with other runners.

2. What was the process to become certified?

I signed up for my certification class six years ago through a big box gym. At the time the certification was a four day workshop with an exam. You then auditioned with a Group X class manager when you had a “mock” class ready to go. Not all people who get certified go on teach classes, but you learn a lot about what goes into creating and experiencing the most from a class. I recommend practicing with a current instructor you admire and start by subbing so you can gain experience and confidence. 
3. What is your suggestion to someone wanting to become certified?
Tell a current instructor and watch them light up, then do it! You can do two things: get your spin certification and get your Group X Fitness certification. Reputable spin certs in the So-Cal area are: Spinner & SchwinnBe your own, be prepared, and be confident in what you say as you responsible for the fitness of an entire group. You are there to make someone else’s day better, thus making your’s better. 
4. What is your number one fitness tip to readers?
Have a goal besides weight loss – think big picture, happiness and health, and share your goals with those supportive, it holds you accountable.
5.What is your “can’t live without” Itsybitsyindulgence?
Coffee, coffee, coffee! AND post 20 mile run, a glass of white wine from Paso Robles – my hometown! I’ll spend hard earned money on hot yoga – it’s crucial.
 6.How do you balance “itsybitsyindulgences” in your life? 
90/10. I “try” not to use them as a reward, there are no “bad days,”  but rather incorporate indulgences, both life and food, in moderation.
7.What inspires you most?
How happy exercise makes people!  I appreciate my health seeing my incredibly athletic older brother battle MS, sidelining him from a career in sports. I also work closely with the Challenged Athletes Foundation of San Diego and have seen how the power of sports has changed lives. The power of positive thinking….whether you think you can or you can’t – you are right!
Spending the day with Sheri, and then taking one of her Spin classes (at The Rush, which will be featured later), was truly inspirational! Sheri has the power to positively motivate others through encouragement all while challenging you to push your limits. If you’re interested in more of Sheri’s services check out Sheri life fitness.
Stay tuned next week for our next featured fitness activity!