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Rosé Sangria


This past weekend, I was laying out by the pool with Allison, post Runyon Canyon hike, and we wanted something fun and refreshing to sip on (yes, I am aware that some sparkling lime water could have done the trick). The sun was out, we had our toes in the pool, Jack Johnson Pandora station was playing, and we were engaged in lively conversation. All that was missing was a refreshing cocktail. Wanting to combine my love of rosé with my craving for some sweet summer fruit, rosé sangria seemed like the only logical solution. Ever so thankful for iPhones a slew of recipes were readily available. The best aspect of  sangria is that after the basic ingredients are accounted for, the fruit is up for negotiation. I found this recipe and made some minor modifications (which you can find below!). FYI: how perfect would this be for any 4th of July BBQ?? I’m just saying :)…








ROSÉ SANGRIA (adapted from this recipe)

1 bottle chilled rosé
1/4 cup Triple Sec, Grand Marnier, or Cointreau
2 tablespoons brandy
1 cup raspberries
1 cup quartered strawberries
1-2 peaches (peeled) sliced
optional: 1-2 tablespoons stevia
1 cup  chilled sparkling water

1. Pour the rosé into a pitcher.

2. Stir in the Triple Sec, brandy and the fruit. Taste, and add sugar, if desired.

3. Chill for a few hours. Right before serving, add the sparkling water to the pitcher, then pour the sangria into glasses and add ice.

Cheers friends!!

{Allison’s Sunglasses | Shannon’s Sunglasses | Pitcher (similar) | Spoon | Bowl}