Before becoming parents our evenings went something like this: We’d both arrive home from work, cook dinner together, sit down and enjoy the meal (not have to wrangle a toddler and convince her to sit down… or threaten to get out the high chair again….), take our time cleaning up, sometimes we’d go for a little walk with Captain… other times TJ would head to the gym and I’d read a book. Oh my, how times have changed. Not in a bad way, just in a different way… maybe even fuller way. It makes reconnecting at the end of a long day a tad more challenging… yet it’s something I personally need, and have always valued.
So over the last few years, TJ and I have worked on *trying* to somehow connect, in some way or another, at the end of everyday. We try to go through a few steps each night… it’s not always perfect, we sometimes forget (at least a few times a week), but when we do remember, it’s such a nice feeling. Today, TJ + I are teaming up with Jockey to share with you the four ways we unwind + reconnect after a long day…..
1. Highlight Reel: When life is busy, it’s difficult to give a play by play of a day. TJ and I try to give the best part, and the most challenging part of our days, and that usually involves some extra conversation that goes along with it. While neither of us know everything that happened, we know the most important parts, and that’s what matters (to us at least….).
2. Change Into Comfort: There was a time when we’d get home and eat dinner in our work clothes (pre-parenthood….). When we did this, it never felt as if the day was actually over. We’d both still be half in home mode and half in work mode. So we started changing into comfortable clothes when we walked in the door, and it hasn’t changed since. Lately, TJ’s been wearing these super soft + comfortable waffle knit jogger pants from Jockey. He’s also been a huge fan of their new line of Jockey Signature Pima Cotton boxer briefs + v-neck shirts… comfortable enough for long days at work and lounging around at home… the boxer briefs also come in varying color options, which TJ is a fan of. A few other lounge favorites include this henley tee, lounge pant, and this waffle crewneck sweatshirt.
3. Do Something Together: Lately we’ve been taking evening walks, as a family, before making dinner. It doesn’t happen every night, but when it does, it’s such a great way to unwind and chat. Harper is usually in her stroller, car, or running so she’s off burning energy (which is always the goal) and we get some time to chat. On the evenings that we’re out, we notice so many families doing the same thing… some are riding bikes, others sitting out in front while their children play in the yard…. just unwinding and enjoying one another’s company.
4. Affection: Research has proven that showing affection, both physical + non-physical, helps to reduce stress + results in an increase in relationship satisfaction. Given that, we try to make it a purpose to hug, kiss, and say something affectionate before we go to bed at night. It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture, but just something small to say “I love you.”
(Outfit Details || TJ’s Undershirt | TJ’s Underwear | TJ’s Pants | My Bralette | My Underwear | My Pants)
Thank you to Jockey for sponsoring this post… as always, all opinions are my own (and in this case, TJ’s…)