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Peaches, Part 2

If you recall, last week I took you on a tour of my love of peaches (check it out here). And today, I am confirming that love of this luscious summer fruit. Except today, we add the savory component-BACON. If you know me at all, you know that bacon and peaches together is combining two of my favorite foods AND accomplishing that sweet & salty mix that everyone loves so much. We made this Peaches, Bacon, & Onion salad last weekend for one of our famous casual BBQ dinners, and loved all the different flavors. I won’t lie though, my plate was noticeably mostly bacon/peaches, but who’s counting?

We found the original recipe at, but it’s a bit on the heavy side…Buttermilk dressing doesn’t exactly scream “low-cal.” So here were our substitutions to make this indulgence a bit more “itsy bitsy:”

 Mayonnaise –> Non fat greek yogurt

Sour Cream –> Nonfat sour cream (you can find this at Trader Joe’s)

1/4 cup Buttermilk –> Reduced fat buttermilk

Bacon –> Turkey bacon

However you choose to prepare it, I hope you enjoy this peach delight as much as we did!





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