I love nothing more than curling up on the couch, with comfy sweatpants, cool weather outside, Sunday football on the television, and a nice homemade soup. After a particularly indulgent weekend (i.e. meat heavy) I was craving something hearty, but at the same time light and nutritious… and no, that’s not an oxymoron. I perused through several of my favorite cookbooks, and thought about making my Nana’s chicken noodle soup recipe, but decided that I wanted to experiment instead. I looked in the refrigerator at all the vegetables I had recently purchased from a trip to the local farmer’s market and decided to improvise. The end result was this orzo and veggie soup recipe that even T.J. couldn’t get enough of, so much so that there was a slight battle as to who had dibs on the leftovers :). I even whipped up a batch this past Sunday for my own, personal, lunch for the week. Just in time for this cold front that is visiting Southern California. Warm Soup + Chilly Weather = One Happy Lady!
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