
Ocean Breeze

blue crochet dress, itsy bitsy indulgences

I love small getaways and the opportunity they allow for recharging yourself. While we were down in San Diego this past weekend, TJ and I were chatting about all the different phases in life when I asked him, “If you could go back to any phase, which would it be?” It was more of a question meant for the both of us, so we both started going through the different segments of life (i.e. elementary school, middle school, high school…). We decided that while in elementary school you had not a care in the world (other than who you would be swapping pieces of your lunch with…), it wasn’t something we cared to repeat… middle school was automatically out (too much going on in those tumultuous beginning years of the teenage era, sorry mom and dad!)… and I quickly axed out high school (as did TJ). We both stopped for a little while on college… reflected… laughed at how we were seemingly never too tired for another night out… and decided that, no, we really wouldn’t re-live those years either (even though we consider them some of the best). What we both ultimately concluded was that, while we enjoyed the experience of each phase of our lives, we were perfectly content in our current life situation. Even looking forward to the future… as I am sure we did when we were 7, 13, 16, 21, and 27….

After that we meandered down to the La Jolla cliffs and shot some of these photos. It was there that I really reflected on how content I was with my current life. Sure, there are a lot of upcoming changes (some a little bigger than others), but knowing that some parts of my life will always be constant (TJ, family, and friends specifically) was a perfect reminder of the fact that I guess life is really pretty simple when it all comes down to it…

And there isn’t anything like crashing waves, a gorgeous sunset, and a handsome man by your side (with the thought of pizza after) to remind you of just that.

Don’t forget to enter the Lululemon gift certificate giveaway!!

{Outfit Details || Dress: Revolve Clothing | Slip: Nordstrom | Sandals: J. Crew | Denim Jacket: Nordstrom | Clutch: old, love this one | V Necklace: Gorjana}


crochet dress, itsy bitsy indulgences

la jolla cliffs, itsy bitsy indulgences

blue fringe dress, itsy bitsy indulgences

la jolla sunset, itsy bitsy indulgences

blue crochet and fringe dress, itsy bitsy indulgences

blue crochet dress, itsy bitsy indulgences


fringe details, itsy bitsy indulgences