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Motherhood Series || Monthly Reflections

Throughout my couple of years of motherhood I’ve always been surprised by how much, and how little, can change in a short period of time. And while I feel as if the former happens more frequently, this past month, not much changed. It admittedly felt nice… as if we had settled into a rhythm…knock on wood, but sleep was solid, eating regular, and the normal, limit testing toddler behaviors I’ve come to expect were present. I’m well aware that all of this can rapidly shift within a day, but for right now, I’m relishing in this consistency (coming from someone who thrives on routine….). So, this month’s motherhood update is slightly different… sharing a summer bucket list for our little family…. some future thoughts for Harper… and a few of my favorite items for little miss this summer….

Family Summer Bucket List: While I love the holidays, summer is one of my all time favorite times of the year with our family. It’s as if time slows down… days are spent outside… and there is an ease to life. All that to say, there are definitely things we want to do in this three month period (well, summer rolls into fall here in Southern California….)…

Go to the beach as much as possible….
Take Harper on the pink Duffy boat (electric boat) that she was eyeing last weekend…..
Disneyland trip… at least once…. to see the fireworks
Water balloon toss

Balboa Bars on Balboa Island
Take her on a train ride to Del Mar to see the Horse Races (she loved the Kentucky Derby and has since been obsessed with “neigh neigh races….”)


Developmental Stage: I’ve always found it helpful to keep in mind the developmental stage Harper is currently going through (Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt…)…. Just so I can help support it in the best way I can. Given that, we are definitely in the “independence” stage. She wants to do everything on her own. Take her shoes off, wash her hair, brush her teeth, put her clothes on, make her breakfasts, etc…. And I try to allow that to all happen in a safe way. In the morning she’ll help me make her breakfasts…. If it’s the oatmeal bake she likes, I have her pour the ingredients into the mug… is it messy? Yes, but I also have her help me clean it up….

When I see that she is struggling, I don’t immediately go in to help her. Instead I let her know, “I am here if you need me to help…” Sometimes she’ll end up getting it on her own, and other times she’ll come up to me and ask for help. Either way, she independently made the choice as to what she needed. Of course, there are times when, as a parent when I deem an option as not appropriate… or, when I’m in a rush and I’m not demonstrating as much patience… but the majority of the times, this is how we try to operate.

Potty Training: So, I feel like I mention this every time… and I feel like I say the same thing every time… next month. Yet, I knew we had a relatively long road trip ahead of us this weekend and I just thought having a toddler in diapers for the car ride would be easier. So, when we return, I am going to use the three day method (I’ve heard a lot of people have had success using this method). I plan on picking three days in the middle of the week and holing up at home….but then a part of me thinks that a Friday might be a good choice too, since there would be wine at the end of the tunnel. I kid. Sort of. Either way, it’s going to get done!

Pre-School: TJ and I toured two pre-schools. After the first one, I was pretty certain that was where she would be enrolled, yet I held off for a little while since I knew we would be moving soon. Since, I’ve found another pre-school, and we’re currently on the waiting list. Crossing my fingers it all works out, since I think the socialization component of pre-school will be so good for little miss.

Toys: I was recently asked what Harper’s favorite toys were, and I had to stop and think. I haven’t purchased a new “toy” for her in several months, mainly because I find that she isn’t very interested in them, and if she is, it’s for a brief period of time. She likes to use her imagination and play outside…. So the playhouse, trampoline, outdoor sidewalk chalk, mega blocks, and kitchen have all been great for helping her get creative. She loves singing and dancing, so we turn the music on and just let her have at it. She’s recently starting playing doctor (mainly because she watches Doc McStuffins) and I catch her “play” fixing her toys… and she bosses me around too… telling me it’s “night night” time and to “eat my food….” I wonder where she gets that from….. She also loves playing chase with our Labradoodle Captain… and luckily he can match her energy levels….

Favorite Items For Summer:
Some of my favorite things for Harper this summer….

This flamingo raft
These heart sunglasses
Ruffle romper
Ruffle dress with the cutest pockets
Little denim cut-offs
Bubble maker
Lace kimono
Tote bag

(Outfit Details || My DressSlides | Harper’s Dress | Sandals | Our Mommy + Me Bracelets)