
Motherhood || Monthly Update

So, I thought about not sharing the photos of Harper with hot coco down the front of her new white tank… but then thought better and realized that they are a very accurate description of where we are right now…. we’re in the middle of toddlerhood… both my favorite and most tiring phase yet. I know, I know, the first three months were very tiring… but this is more from the sheer amount of energy one little vivacious toddler girl can exert in one day (let alone hour….). All on her own. Needless to say this is the phase of choosing my battles, setting limits, and wondering if I’m doing it all wrong… and at the same time, it’s a phase filled with joy in seeing her discover new things…. learn new phrases (her newest is “oh very nice….”)…. explore her own limits + discover her place in this world. Each day is filled with its own highs and lows… and at the end, both TJ and I sit down and are amazed at how tired we are. I mean, in all honesty, what really made us tired before we became parents???……

I shared on instagram a few weeks ago that sometimes I catch myself wondering what it would be like if little miss was a bit more “low energy….” but then I remembered something I was told at a MOPS (Mothers Of Pre-Schoolers) meeting a while ago…. that we are all given the perfect child for who we are. Whether it feels that way or not all the time, I can’t help but agree… because just when I wonder how that’s possible, she ends up teaching me something I needed to know about myself…. or she showa me what I need in that moment. And while I am here to teach her, if we let us, out children often teach us as well…..

In toddlerhood, Harper has taught me to play more (I go down the slide with her, swing on the swings next to her, color, play monster, have dance parties…..), take more deep breaths (it’s a must), and to be more present (something I am always working on….#WorkInProgress). She’s taught me that not everything will ever be perfect, to laugh at silly things (like saying “Gooooofy” over and over again), and to not take small moments for granted, because time is certainly flying by……..

More below…….

(Outfit Details || My Jacket | Jeans | Tee | Shoes (almost identical) | Sunglasses | Harper’s Jacket | Tank | Jeans | Shoes)

We’re pretty status quo in the eating, sleeping arena. Recently, Harper has been loving these granola bars. They’re a super easy snack to toss in my bag and give her after her afternoon nap….

She continues to love her trampoline (and I do too because it wears her out….) and my parents most recently bought her this amazing playhouse for their backyard.  We’re entering the phase where she is very opinionated about what she wants to wear (particularly on her feet) and is partial towards these mocs, jellie sandals (it’s hard to explain to her that when it’s raining those aren’t the best choice…..), and rain boots (always when it’s 80 degrees outside….).  She’s also obsessed with her “Mimmie” Mouse tee + stuffed animal…..

As we head into the next month, we have a pre-school tour and possible enrollment on the agenda (for next September) which is so crazy to believe. I’m also starting to look into potty training….. soooo, that should be interesting. I’ve had a toddler toilet sitting in the bathroom for months, and she shows occasional curiosity in it… more or less when she’s in there with me (because, what mom actually goes to the bathroom solo??….).

TJ and I are getting away this weekend, just the two of us, or our 8 year anniversary and it’s something we’re both so excited for. I know that a strong marriage creates a safe haven for children growing up, and weekends away are an excellent opportunity to reconnect, disconnect, and focus on just each other….. and to give Harper time to get spoiled by others who love her…..

(more below….)

I was recently asked about our schedule at home, so I thought I’d share it here….

7:30am-8:30am: Harper wakes up… it varies these days, but usually within that time frame….
8-9am: Morning routine: breakfast, hygiene….
9-9:45: Park
9:45-10:30: I get ready….
10:30-12: Free, we either run some errands or play
12-12:30: Lunch
12:30-1:30: Free…. outside time, sometimes I get a little work done and she entertains herself….
1:30-3/3:30: Nap (they fluctuate in time right now)
3:30-6: Free time…. we usually do some blog work (i.e. photos) from 4-5pm, and then head home and get ready for dinner.
6-6:45: Dinner, winding down
6:45-7:15: Evening routine…. bath, book, bed