We dropped Harper off at preschool yesterday, and it’s hard to believe that we officially have a little preschooler on our hands. She was more than ready for the day… and we were both so excited for her to start this new journey…. and when I look at these photos below, it’s hard to believe that she was once as tiny as Camille is… a gentle reminder that time moves quickly. Far too quickly. As a parent I’ve always wanted to make sure that I was fully preparing Harper to enter the world, whatever stage she was in… teaching her age appropriate respect, manners, and how to stick up for herself. And as I spent the drive home reflecting on little miss’ journey to where she is now, I couldn’t help that realize that, while I’m her parent, she too has taught me so much about myself… and how to be a parent….
She taught me that everything in parenting is temporary… sleepless nights, growth spurts (and the changes that come with them), certain behaviors… they all come + go… challenge us… and help us grow…..
How to be patient + pick my battles…. sure, you can wear that sweatshirt in 90 degree weather… if it means we get in the car, and get there on time…
And most importantly, how to have fun. She makes me dance… she has me get on the floor and have tea parties together (her own version of a tea party…)… and has me doing all sorts of silly things for her amusement. I can get so caught up in adult-ing, that her friendly reminders to not take life too seriously are a blessing…
Something we both had fun doing together, before she headed back to school, was pick out matching outfits for her and Camille. Nordstrom is one of my favorite spots to find matching outfits for them (and a lot of kiddo products in general)… with on trend pieces that Harper gets really excited about. When we were looking at items on the computer she immediately fell in love with these blush and sage jumpsuits from their Stem line (they have lots of matching styles… like this pink dress for toddler + baby, and this stripe tee + romper). A few more favorites for toddler + baby are below:
Harper: Loving this ruffle sleeve bomber jacket (does it come in my size??), leopard print dress (she has the polka dot pattern + it’s so soft), these super soft joggers (she got these last year and we bought a new pair for this fall season), heart leggings, rainbow dress, and this ruffle sleeve sparkle sweater….
Camille: I’m obsessed with these Baby Bling knotted headbands (super soft and don’t leave marks on her head), these super soft pajamas, cotton bloomers, and this eyelet ruffle top.
Harper also loves carrying this mini version of one of my favorite diaper bags….
And these are Camille’s favorite pacifiers…
Basically, Nordstrom is a great one stop shop for all things toddler + baby… from clothing to quality baby products!
Hope you all have a great weekend!
(Outfit Details || My Jeans | My Tank | My Bag | Harper’s Jumpsuit | Harper’s Shoes | Harper’s Bag | Camille’s Jumpsuit | Camille’s Bow | Camille’s Shoes)
Thank you to Nordstrom for sponsoring this post.