I’ve always been one to experience intense emotions. It’s been that way since I was a little girl (Harper and I are basically the same… which is why I somehow find myself fairly patient with her when she is experiencing intense toddler emotions). If I’m sad, I’m sad…. If I’m upset, I’m upset… and if I’m happy, I’m happy… and I really feel those feelings (TJ always says you know “exactly how Shannon feels…”). I’ve never seen anything wrong with the expression of emotion (as long as it’s in an appropriate, healthy manner) and used to work with clients to become more aware of their emotions, in the moment….
To be more specific, mindfulness is what we would work on. I found this old blog post I wrote six years ago (March 2013…crazy) on reducing anxiety. In it I discussed, at length, the concept of mindfulness and wrote:
“The concept of mindfulness entails the ability to be aware of your moment-to-moment experiences. It asks that an individual suspend judgment of themselves and their past. You can utilize mindfulness while eating, exercising, and engaging in other mediation forms (i.e. yoga, muscle relaxation, etc). When you are present in the current moment, you are able to focus on what is going on around you, both internally and externally. It helps one to become more aware of their current experiences, and can often minimize knee jerk reactions to certain emotionally charged situations. You can easily incorporate mindfulness into your daily practice. When you encounter a situation that often brings about strong emotions (i.e. anger, sadness, frustration) first STOP and become aware of the feeling you are having. Then practice the DEEP BREATHING skills mentioned earlier to allow for a calmer disposition. Next, reflect on the situation. Ask yourself what you can do to best manage the situation at hand. Is this an opportunity to choose a new, more functional pattern of behavior? Then CHOOSE your response and be aware of the reaction you are choosing”
It’s my hope that both of my girls will be able to utilize mindfulness to become emotionally intelligent children, and someday adults… that they will see their mom (and dad) practice recognizing her feelings, experiencing them (crying, laughing, etc…), and then choosing appropriate responses to express themselves. Just the other morning I woke up to an e-mail that had my day starting off in a very negative way. Before I gave any response, I took an internal evaluation of my feelings. I was upset, felt like I had failed, and was taking the feedback personally. Instead of responding right away, I headed out on my morning run…. played my thoughts + feelings through my mind… and came back home to respond in an appropriate, collaborative, manner. My feelings were still there, and that was okay, I just was aware of them, had processed through them, and was able to then proceed in a healthy manner.
I recently discovered Mala Prayer, a brand fully committed to empowering women and promoting mindfulness through meditation (which has so many benefits… from reducing stress + anxiety to an increase in body satisfaction). Their gorgeous mala bracelets (I’m wearing the rosy love + golden love mala bracelets) are a beautiful daily reminder to have frequent check-ins with myself…. how am I feeling in the moment… to increase my internal awareness. I’ve also started using this beautiful rose quartz facial roller in the mornings, as a way to reduce puffiness in my skin, increase circulation, and assist with lymphatic drainage (which helps to remove waste + toxins from the body). I’d been wanting to try one for a while, and after about two weeks feel as if it leaves my skin with a subtle glow.
They are currently having a site wide sale. With every purchase made on their site, they help women entrepreneurs (in impoverished areas) by providing them with money to use for their homes + businesses… with the hopes of encouraging upward mobility. You can read more about their charitable mission here.
Here’s to a mindful day!
(Outfit Details || Leggings | Top | Bra | Facial Roller | Water Bottle | Bracelet | Bracelet)
Thank you to Mala Prayer for sponsoring this post