
Lessons Learned In Motherhood + A Mother’s Day Giveaway

I once heard that you learn the most about yourself when you become a parent. That your weaknesses are brought into full focus and your insecurities tested. I assumed it was true, I’d seen it play out numerous times with clients I worked with… what I didn’t know, was how that would look when I became a mother myself….

After being a mom for a year and several months (16 months to be exact… but whose counting….??), and more recently a mother to a toddler, I can honestly say that I have learned a thing or two about myself. Almost all of these lessons are learned through my interactions with little miss, and while they’re challenging in the moment, they lend themselves to growth, and hopefully, a better mother to Harper. I lack in patience, have a difficult time going with the flow, and thrive the best when I practice regular self-care. Today I teamed up with Laundry to chat with you about those lessons I’ve learned since becoming a mother… and to bring you an amazing giveaway over on instagram. See the end of this post for the entry details (it’s a good one!).

1. Patience: If I could write a letter to my pre-mom self it would be that patience would literally be “the best virtue.” I’m not a patient person by nature (#weakness), and I’m not sure if it took becoming a mom to realize the importance of the trait, but there is something within her that brings about a patient side of me given to no one else. Maybe it’s the innocence I see within her… the curiosity… the drive to be independent… or the role that I have been given to teach her the way of the world…. but whatever it is, becoming a mother has given me patience I never thought I had within myself. I cherish that part she has given to me.

2. Go With The Flow: If I could write a letter to my pre-mom self the bold message at the top would read “Go With The Flow.” I’m not always good at this. I have my opinions, know what I want, and often times have an idea in my head as to how a situation should play out. Sometimes it’s a strength… other times it’s a major weakness…. especially when you have a toddler who has her opinions (yet expresses them through screams…), knows what she wants (and flops on the ground when she doesn’t get it), and has an idea of how the situation should play out for her. Something I mentally prepare myself for each day is that it likely won’t go the way I have it planned out in my head…. she might not like the breakfast in front of her today…. today she might want nothing to do with the park she played at for hours the previous day…. today she might just want to be held, even though I have hundreds of things to do. What I’ve learned is that what she needs is sometimes exactly what I need too. When she wants to be held, I often need to slow down. When she wants to play at the park for hours, and I have tons to do, I often need to have a little fun myself. Do I always go with the flow… um, no. Yet, I’ve quickly learned that the more I go with the flow, the more we all flow together.

3. Self Care Is The Best Care: I’ve talked about self care a lot, but I think it’s quite possibly one of the best lessons I’ve learned since becoming a mom. The depletion felt when the bucket is empty is real. Nothing left to give…. which ultimately makes no one happy. Harper has taught me that she’s at her happiest when I’m at my happiest… and that means tending to myself. My favorite ways to do so are a long workout (spin… a run), a manicure or pedicure, and a fun night out. Dressing up, getting out past 6:30pm, and sipping a libation (or two) connects me to who I was before I became a mom… it reconnects me to those I care about…. and leaves me feeling fulfilled. Part of the fun is in getting all dolled up…. and while I typically opt for jeans and a fun top, this dress is a fun option for a fancy night. Yet, when I want to keep to my casual style, I’m loving all of Laundry by Shelli Segal’s new jewelry pieces. They’re minimalistic, complement any outfit, and are easy to dress up or down. These ear crawlers are quite possibly one of my favorite options to take me through the day, or tuck my hair behind my ears and show them off for an evening out. The turquoise cuff and gold and black beaded bracelet are two favorites that have been on heavy rotation as of late too. No matter what you wear, you can’t deny that an evening out is good for the soul!

And, in keeping with full self-disclosure and realness… the photos for this post took over an hour and required massive amounts of patience and going with the flow!


(Outfit Details || Dress (wearing size 0) | Turquoise Cuff | Gold Bangle | Necklace | Ear Crawlers | Stud Earrings | Black + Gold Beaded Bracelet | Harper’s Onesie)

Giveaway Details:

In honor of Mother’s Day, Laundry is giving you an opportunity to win a dress of your choosing (valued up to $200) and all the above jewelry! To enter follow the steps below:

1. Follow Itsy Bitsy Indulgeces + Laundry over on Instagram 
2. Like the photo that will be posted at 10am PST
3. Comment on the photo using #MothersDayGiveaway and what you love about being a mom or what you love about your mom
4. Giveaway is open until Saturday, May 13th 2017 
5. Winner will be announced on Instagram.

Thank you to Laundry for sponsoring this post + making this special giveaway possible