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Jump into Fitness!

This was a pretty indulgent weekend for me-I’ll admit it. It started Thursday night with a DELICIOUS, authentic, Italian dinner at Pizzeria Mozza in Newport Beach. However, delicious, authentic Italian food does not always translate into light and healthy, and this meal was certainly no exception. The rest of the weekend continued in a similar fashion, so come Monday, I’m feeling a little over-indulged. Happens to the best of us, right? However, instead of beating ourselves up for over-indulging every once in a while, it’s important to remember that we are human and we WILL over do it sometimes, and that is okay!! All it really means is that we get another chance to push the reset button and start fresh. How can you do that? Exercise of course!

I put together this workout because my bout with Plantar Faciitis in my foot has prevented me from running/training for our half marathon, meaning all of my training must come from cross-training (performing alternative activities that will provide similar conditioning and endurance/strength training as running without actually running). My most recent favorite cross-training activity: Jumping rope! Bring out your inner child and travel down memory lane while getting a great cardio AND lower body workout! Paired with these strength training exercises you’ll be done with your workout in only about 20-30 minutes!

For this workout, you’ll need:

~A jump rope-you can get one at Target for $8.

~A yoga mat

~One set of dumbbells. I use two 10’s, adjust according to your fitness level.

**Remember: Jumping rope is a great, low impact workout, but only if you do it correctly. Keep your weight on “jumps” on the balls of your feet, staying as much on your toes as possible. This takes the stress off the knees and heels. Try not to come more than an inch or two off the ground- you’ll go faster, get more jumps in, and increase your heart rate (in a good way).


-Jump rope for 90 seconds

-Wood Chops: Start holding one of the weights in both hands between your legs in a squat position. Quickly stand up twisting your torso, raising the weight above your head to your right. Return to squat position. Contract your core the whole time, this is working your abs/obliques. Do 30 (15 on each side).


-Military Press: Stand with one dumbbell in each hand, arms up and bent at a 90 degree angle by your head. Straighten your arms up all the way above your head, then lower back to 90 degree angle. Do 15.

-Jump rope, 30 jumps on your right foot, 30 on your left.

-Plank jacks: In plank position (forearms and toes), mimic a jumping jack motion with your legs. Start with them together, then, staying on your forearms and toes, lift them off the ground and separate them as you would in a jumping jack (minus the arms). Do 25.

-Bicep Curls– Do 20

Repeat all of this 2 times.


-Jump Rope for 90 seconds

-Dragon push ups: These are ROUGH! They work everything though! Start in push up position. As you bend your arms and lower yourself to the ground, bring up your left knee to your left elbow, keeping your inner thigh facing the ground. You should feel the crunch in your obliques. Do 10-15.

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-V-ups: Lay face up on your back. At the same time, raise legs and torso to meet in the center. Return to starting position. Do 20.


Jump rope for 90 seconds.

– Alternating side kicks: Squat, then kick your right leg straight out to the side, so that you feel your obliques crunch. Return to squat, repeat with left leg. Alternate legs, 20 on each leg.

-Tricep extensions: Do 15.

Repeat all of this this 2 times.


-Jump rope for 60 seconds.

-Toe touches: lay on your back, feet raised straight up. Reach up with your hands and try to touch your shoe laces. Do 25.

-Jump squats: Do 20

Jump Rope -30 on each foot

-Plank: 1 minute

Repeat all of this 2 times.

You’re done! Combining upper body and lower body simultaneously in workouts burns more calories, and keeps your body burning more fat throughout the day-pretty good deal! Hope you enjoyed jumping your way to fitness!
