
Healthy Dining Tips

Eating out is one of my favorite past times. I always tell people that trying new restaurants is one of my favorite weekend (or weeknight for that matter) activities. And it’s probably the most common go-to date, especially for the first few dates and relationships in their infancy. Well, I can speak from experience that this can take quite a toll on your waistline! This summer I spent a lot of time dating and going to places like breweries, gastropubs, and restaurants with generally very rich menus. When I realized the effect this was having on my body and health, I realized I needed to change my dining out patterns or else I was going to have to seriously cut back on such an enjoyable activity! So we put together some of the ways we manage to dine out in healthy, but most importantly, enjoyable ways without feeling like we aren’t getting the whole experience! As always, moderation is key!

Healthy Restaurant Dining