Growing up, I always had lots of different types of friends. There were the smarty pants, the tomboys, the musically-inclined ones, and the girly girls. I never knew how to identify myself, so I chose my own category “eclectic.” I definitely consider myself all of the above, but there are definite moments (or whole weekends) when my girly girl is in full force (particularly when the boyfriend is around), and all I want to do it wear pumps, curl my hair, and wear something(s) sparkly. So, knowing that I’m definitely not alone out there, I created a gift guide for your most favorite girly-girl, even if that’s you 🙂 And the best part is, it’s all under $100!
{1 | 2 | 3 (enter IBICODE20 for 20% off purchase) | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11}