You know that expression, “To give is better than to receive?” I find a lot of truth in that. When I was younger (think 0-about 9), I wondered how that could possibly be true, because let’s be honest, what’s better than getting a present when you’re that age? But growing up with parents who instilled this value in us taught Shannon and I to appreciate the genuine joy that comes from giving someone a gift that has involved thought, care, and, often times, your hard-earned money. Which is why Christmas and the general holiday season is such an exciting (albeit a bit hectic) season: its overall theme is about giving. When you think about it, we celebrate Christmas because we were given baby Jesus, the Three Wise men brought him gifts, and everyone becomes so much more giving of their spirit (think toy drives, adopt-a-child programs, the Christmas Shoe Box, etc.). Not to mention the gift giving that almost always accompanies any and all holiday(s) you choose to celebrate!
Now, I’ve had countless conversations with clients and families lately, almost all, at some point, involving the expression “I can’t believe it’s mid-November…before you know it, it’ll be the holidays!” (Is it just me, or does the time go by that much faster once you enter the world of full-time employment?) Anyhow, I found myself just as startled when Shannon and I decided to begin our series of Holiday Gift Guides, thinking to myself, “How can we possibly be that close to Christmas?” But, ready or not, the holidays are coming….quickly. So today we’re beginning our season of giving with a gift guide for those special men in our lives (sometimes the hardest to shop for…am I right??)
Didn’t find what you’re looking for? Luckily, lots of popular retailers are also compiling some fab gift guides. Check out Nordstrom, J.Crew, and East Dane for their versions of a Men’s Gift Guide!
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