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French Vanilla Iced Coffee


My most recent indulgent obsession has come in the most unexpected form: coffee! Ask anyone who knows me and they can attest, I never order, or drink, coffee. I am a tea girl. I remember being really young and mistaking my dad’s coffee for chocolate milk. You can imagine the surprise my taste buds received due to my impulsive decision to gulp a sip from his coffee mug! From then on I was aversive… nothing tempted me… not even the all-nighters in college, or the early morning transitions when I entered the work force. Yet, I recently went to coffee with my mom and she ordered an iced coffee… I was intriguing, and this time I asked for a sip (that early coffee experience flashed before my eyes!). It was good… better yet, it was indulgently delicious! My obsession started small… I’d treat myself Friday mornings (my reward for making it through the work week)… and then I figured “Why not Saturday’s too???” Before I knew it,  I was a full fledged two day a week coffee drinker (this is meant to be humorous!)! Here’s the best part… I managed to pull my hubby out of his “I’m on the wagon from coffee” and back into the coffee realm! This past weekend we decided to try our hands at homemade French Vanilla Iced Coffees. Not only was it fun doing this together, but, if I say so myself, we were quite the baristas. These were delicious and hit the spot (and only a mere 35 calories!)! Oh, and, feel free to use bigger cups! Since I’m a newbie to coffee anything bigger would have made me a tad too jittery!


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iced coffee

iced coffee 2


iced coffee directions