
Four Snacks 150 Calories or Less

IMG_4475I am a grazer. Yes, I realize that is a term typically reserved for cattle and other farm animals. But, being the self-aware person I like to think I am, I realize that my food “mistakes” almost never come from too much dessert, an over-indulgent meal, etc. Nope, it’s the snacks that get me. Some of the usual culprits include chips (all kinds-I don’t discriminate), string cheese (unhealthy when it’s more than one…oops), chips…did I mention chips? Try as we might, sometimes the most convenient snacks are not always our healthiest options. That’s why we are sharing four of our favorite quick, easy snacks under 150 calories that combine fiber with protein to keep excess grazing at bay!

4 snacks 150 calories or less
