While we haven’t had the stormy weather that winter and spring typically bring to us, we have had several days filled with the notorious “Santa Ana Winds…” and trust me, they’re not as peaceful and magical as the movie “The Holiday” makes them out to be… weather is incredibly dry, winds range from 20 to 30mph with gusts up to 50 mph, and often the air quality is poor… which often renders us inside for the entire day. All that to say, the ever present dilemma of “what to do when you’re stuck inside all day with tiny kiddos,” presented itself earlier than anticipated and got my not very creative wheels spinning.
So today I thought I’d share a few ideas that I came up with, in case you too, find yourself inside with the need to entertain tiny humans with an abundance of energy…
But before I get to any of those activities, comfort is key. A full day spent indoors is not the time to bust out the high waisted, minimal (if not zero), stretch denim. It’s a time for things that are stretchy, plush, and comfortable. That being said, we love Koolabura for all things footwear (no shoes in the house please). I’ve been a fan of the brand for the past several years due to their comfortable footwear, stylish fits, and versatile items for the entire family. Their slippers are our current favorites right now, with their plush faux fur lining they make days spent indoors 100% more comfortable. I currently have this ivory batya pair and blush fuzz’n pair… and Harper’s foot is now big enough to get her own matching pair as well (love that it has a back strap for her so it doesn’t fall off when she walks). I think they would also make a great holiday gift (I have these men’s slippers saved for TJ). And if you do choose to venture outside these waterproof lace up faux fur lined boots look amazingly warm and comfortable… Now that we have comfort down, here are some of the activities we have on our “indoor” list.
Baking… Harper loves this one
Indoor scavenger hunt (be sure to make the list long… occupies more time)
Bring in the small blow up pool and fill it with balls so they can play in it
Freeze Dance
Red Light, Green Light (down the hall way)
Fill the bath tub up with water for “water time” (this surprisingly occupied a lot of time)
Fort building
Playing store
Hide + Seek
Find an empty, large cardboard box and let their imagine run
Dress up in previous halloween costumes
Arts + Crafts- I typically save indoor arts for more exciting things other than coloring, like water colors + painting
That’s what I’ve generated so far but would love for you to add any activities that you use as well!

Thank you to Koolabura for sponsoring this post