
Fall Style || Small Shifts: The Duster

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, we began demo on our house today. It was tempting to peek in several times throughout the day to see the progress, but I decided to wait until the end to be surprised. When I pulled into the driveway I did so not really knowing what to expect. When I walked in I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. So. Much. Progress. By simply knocking down a few walls in the kitchen area the house looked, and smelled (previous owner was a heavy smoker), so different. While the “structure” of the home is the same, changing up a few walls makes a profound impact….

Similar to that of an outfit you reach for over and over again. I’ve had this cami + pair of jeans since last fall, and both have always been closet staples. A few simple shifts and changes can easily transform an outfit across seasons…. I opted to pair it with these new booties (I’ve chatted about these Steven beauties before… and I’m obsessed them, and the brand) and chenille duster cardigan for a look that has all the fall feels + hues…. and I guess I am secretly trying to wear all my “regular” jeans before I can’t button them anymore!…..

A few other cute duster cardis for fall include this chunky grey option, beautiful oxblood hued cardi, and this cocoon dister cardigan.

(Outfit Details || Cardigan | Cami (6 color options) | Jeans | Booties (more Steven favorites) | Backpack | Sunglasses)