Well, the other morning (or, should I say, day) was nothing short of interesting (those days always make for a good story though, right??)…..
It started with Harper and I heading out for our morning walk to the park, at which point I dropped my phone, yet again, and the screen separated from the actual phone…. essentially making the screen black (mind you, this was after dropping it the previous day and shattering the screen). This pretty much rendered my phone useless…. since I couldn’t even access the pass code to unlock the dang thing….
Then, as I was scurrying around to get ready (little miss had already awaken from her nap…) I noticed I had left a bottle of nail polish within reach of tiny hands. The two of us noticed this simultaneously and as I reached to take it away, she quickly reached for it too, which spelled spilled disaster. Nail polish bottle shattered all over white bathroom. Coral nail polish to be exact. Imagine my excitement at that mess…..
By that time, I had about 10 minutes to get ready if I wanted to do anything before lunch…. so, I reached for a tee (like I always do when I’m in a bind). Before you stop reading, hear me out. While I love a great basic v-neck, I’ve been finding new shapes to add to my t-shirt collection. My current favorite being the asymmetrical hem…. it’s a little different, adds good shape to a very basic item, and in the right material hangs in all the right places. It’s another one of those items that you can grab when you’re in a hurry and still look like you put a ton of effort into getting ready. When in a neutral color, like this super soft favorite, you’re in even better luck…..
A few favorites include the one I’m wearing today (obviously), as well as this asymmetrical tank version (in white…. looks like it hangs in such a cute way), dolman lightweight long sleeve tee (in several options, but I like the java), and this v-neck top in blush.
Disclaimer: If you spot any coral nail polish on my ankles, I apologize in advance. Additionally, the day was so crazy, that by the time we got around to snapping pictures of the outfit, I was so tired I forgot to take the cardigan off to get a picture of the tee. Oooops. Sorry!
{Outfit Details // Top (comes in 4 colors, excellent price, TTS, wearing XS) | Cardigan | Jeans | Mules | Necklace | Bag | Sunglasses}