Over the past several months, I’ve become quite adept at getting ready. Assuming we aren’t heading somewhere that requires fancier attire, I typically have my go-to outfit… and pieces that make it all come together.
For starters, a perfect fit pair of distressed denim is a must… they have that “I think I’m cool even if I’m not” feel to them…. I have too many pairs in my closet to count… so I usually toss a few on and then stick with the pair I’m feeling the most. Then I opt for a loose tee that allows me to move freely and provides all day comfort. I toss on a pair of comfortable kicks… always a must in my book, especially now that Harper is crawling and I really can’t sit for longer than 5-10 seconds at a time… a hat (to cover unwashed hair), a favorite bag, and I’m ready to head out the door.
Back to the kicks for a moment if you will. Comfort and style are the two key factors I look for when picking out a pair… and this pair fits both categories… and at an excellent price point. The soles on these babies are going to be getting a lot of wear soon, since Harper decided she is going to try to pull up and stand as of late… wish me luck!!
{Outfit Details || Tank | Jeans (cute the hem and ripped the holes more) | Shoes (c/o) | Harper’s Shoes | Jacket | Bag (on major sale) | Hat | Sunglasses}
Thank you to Payless for sponsoring this post and making Itsy Bitsy Indulgences possible. All opinions expressed are my own.